Monday, August 30, 2010

Same Zilla, New Address

Welcome to the PolitiZilla Blog! 

I am the founder of a popular political commentary/current events page on facebook called ANTI-C.R.A.P.T.A.S.T.I.C. where we expose and undermine CRAPTASTICs and their destructive agenda to ruin our country and usurp our freedom. The original companion blog to that page has run into some technical difficulties so I can no longer use it, but there is a link to the archives for it here so all is not lost.

New blog, same Zilla, different address.


  1. I can see Peg's comment but not my first comment...weird...

  2. I don't know why comments aren't showing the way they should, I don't have this problem on my other blog hosted here. I've got it set so anyone can comment.
    Go figure.

  3. Blogspot is a fickle creature. Some times it has no clue what it's doing. LOL

    Oh and here I am!

  4. Jack P., otherwise known as "Himself, the Jack," reporting for duty as ordered, Ma'am!"
