Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Little Sunshine

As it turns out, the 12 + hours that I spent putting together my Super Extensive TSA Outrage Roundup last week barely scratched the surface of the sheer lunacy which has been happening in our country and at our airports. So much more has happened since then and many more atrocious stories have surfaced, but We the People have been making a lot of noise and even the tone deaf MSM appears to be hearing at least some of it. Keep it up; the CRAPTASTICs will be made to feel the heat even as they try to shun the light. Of course in addition to the TSA debacle, there have been many more offenses committed against our country by Obama and his cabal of power mad tyrannical kooks, but I'm not using this blog post for that right now - you can easily get caught up on what's been happening at the A-C page (we post a high volume of links daily so be sure to scroll down for older posts) or some of the other amazing right-blogs that are out there (check out my blogroll on the right side of this page to see some of my personal favorite blogs). Right now I'd like to take a moment for something else...

In previous posts, I have mentioned that I was having a bit of a tough time personally. While I was down, many kind friends (and people who weren't my friends yet) offered a hand up and I am going to be OK now. Thank you all so much for your kindness, generosity, encouragement and prayers.  I have been blessed not only by the love shown to me but also in learning a valuable lesson: I have learned that even when you think you have little, if you look in your heart, you can find a way to still be helpful to those around you and that by giving freely what you can offer, you can be freed from your own troubles. The love you send out into the world is returned to you in amazing and surprising ways. God IS good, all of the time. My troubles have been washed away and my faith in eternal goodness is strengthened.

Although this is traditionally a Christmas song, and the Holiday Season doesn't begin until Thanksgiving, I wanted to share this with you - it's The Priests singing The Little Drummer Boy, a song whose message exemplifies the lesson I have learned, that even without money, we still have precious gifts to offer. Enjoy & be blessed. 

I'd like to close this post by reminding all of you that although we have a lot of work ahead of us in order to help right our country, we still have much to be grateful for - like the fact that we are blessed to live in a place where even in troubling times, we have within us the power (granted by God) to make positive and lasting changes. May God bless you all, and God bless America.


  1. Things certainly seem very ONE SIDED for sure .. you may also wish to consider this perspective: http://battlebeads.blogspot.com/2010/11/defending-honor-of-those-that-silently.html

  2. Excellent post, BB! Yes, the Obama regime and the left will bend over backwards to appease muslims, while ignoring the threat presented by some in that demographic, even as they continue to wage war against the rest of the American people and of course, indulging in violating Catholic Nuns is just a bonus perk - the left has been attacking Catholicism non-stop for generations.
