Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pregnant Woman Severely Beaten by Husband for Ultrasound Showing Girl Baby

Normal people who are expecting a child are delighted to see the baby in an ultrasound, especially when the baby appears healthy, but sadly, this was not the case for a Pakistani woman who was pregnant with her third child. After the ultrasound revealed that she was carrying her third daughter, "Aliya's" husband and father-in-law chained her to a door in their home, and tried to perform an abortion by injecting her with poison, and when that failed, they brutally beat her. Neighbors who heard her screams went into the house to rescue her and were also attacked. By the time the neighbors were able to get Aliya out of there, she was in labor and gave birth in a car en route to the hospital.

*the name of the victim was changed in the published story for her protection.

read more about it at The Express Tribune

This post was linked at The Historyscoper's Islam Watch Blog, thanks, T.L.! 
This post has been added to the recommended reads list at Pundit & Pundette, thanks, Jill!

1 comment:

  1. Despite the complaints of others, Zilla, the last thing people need to do is to shut up about this and similar crimes committed by Pakistanis for fear of offending the Pakistani husbands and fathers-in-law who wouldn't dream of torturing their wives or daughters-in-law, any more than we need to shut up about crimes committed by Americans to avoid "projecting" on Americans who aren't criminals.

    The source article reports that this man and his father violated some kind of statute in Pakistan, though what the charged offense might be is not clear. It bears keeping in mind that beating one's wife and murdering one's child or grandchild do not rise to the level of crimes in many Islamic jurisdictions. If they did, we'd see fewer "honor killings."

    This woman and her child were saved in this instance by her neighbors, but that doesn't mean that she and her child will be safe -- even from her husband and father-in-law -- in the future. A little sunlight shining on her situation might do some good.

    But then, again, maybe not. International outrage isn't helping Aasia Bibi, the Christian woman condemned to death by a Pakistani court for "blasphemy" against Islam, or the Pakistani governor, Salman Taseer, who was assassinated for pleading for mercy for her.
