Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Going Dark

This is not a post I want to make, but I treasure the people who read this blog so I don't want to leave you wondering if I'm not around.

It's no secret that my family is struggling financially. I have physical disabilities and I stay home with my young children while my husband works. My husband's job first took away his overtime & then started cutting hours. I've been trying to find something I can do from home to make money but nothing's panned out and the place that used to pay me a few bucks to write a political article once in a while stopped a few months ago.

It's been a bad week with some unexpected expensive car repairs and following the Law of Murphy, the electric company left a pretty red notice on the door today. Please don't judge, when you fall behind it's just really hard to catch up. I've been on the phone all day to see if there's any way to stave off what appears to be inevitable but it ain't looking too good right now.

I'm on well water, which requires electricity to make it get to the faucets & stuff so not only will we be sitting in the dark with not heat, there will be no water either. A very scary thought. Tomorrow I have an appointment to try to get some kind of emergency means to keep the wolves from the door until hubby gets his tax return. Please wish me luck.

I've got some things I planned to write that I think you'd all enjoy, but it's gotta take a back seat for the moment. I'm still online tonight, so if anyone would like to inquire about ad space or knows where a miracle may be lurking, please feel free to email me: MJStevenson@ymail.com.

I have faith that things will find a way to work out, somehow, but I didn't want to leave y'all in the dark in case I find myself in the dark & unable to visit with you for a bit. If you know of anyone who'd like to hire a cranky crippled rightwing mom to write for them, please let me know. ;)

I'd greatly appreciate a prayer or two that my family will find a way through this & come out on the better end of it. I so wish I could find a way to earn money within my physical & family obligation limitations. Nothing against my husband, but we can't live like this.

I'm sorry if this whole thing came out whiney and if you feel that you've just wasted precious moments of your life reading it, but I figured it would be rude to disappear without saying anything and then my hand just started bleeding out my heart.


  1. I wish you the grace of help that I received and soon. I'm sorry that you find yourself in that spot, for I know how it is. You are always in my thoughts, my heart, and my prayers.

  2. Not whiny at all. Just sad. Hopefully this will just be temporary.

  3. Thank you, sablegsd, some nice folks have helped & I sold an ad (YAY!) and tomorrow I'll jump through some hoops and the lights will stay on, hopefully long enough to fix the problem. I am optimistic.
    As long as the lights are on, I'll keep writing, :)
    Probably not tonight though, I gave myself quite a fancy migraine. LOL
