Friday, May 13, 2011

I'm Back, Baby! (and so is everyone else)

As you may have noticed, Blogger/Blogspot blogs had been out of commission completely or "read only" since Wednesday night. I couldn't stand knowing that I couldn't blog if I wanted to, so I made a new microblog at TypePad and a new blog at WordPress. I blogged about the Blogger Blackout today at the new blog, Femininican and also at Potluck, but all appears to be well now, so YAY!

I'm keeping the new ones, but this will always be my home. The TypePad one really doesn't have much features at all, so I'll just use it to keep track of Pamela Geller's Atlas Shrugs posts that I want to refer to in the future. I'll keep the Femininican blog too, although I can't do nearly as much customizing as I can here with Blogger, it's good to have a spare in case this happens again and I think I'll keep it active as a stand alone blog about women's issues without the leftist bias that exists in pretty much every other publication that supposedly cares about females (like how they won't touch the brutality and oppression of women and gilrs under islam and sharia).

The long dark days of the Great Blogger/Blogspot Outage appear to have finally passed. Let's hope it doesn't happen again any time soon.


  1. It was extremely frustrating.

  2. So much for Google and "the cloud."

  3. Thanks, SPG!  I wanted to install DISQUS like I have here, but I can't because the new blog is at Wordpress.COM not Wordpress.ORG and the .com one doesn't allow plugins.
    I'll be keeping the new blog although this will remain my blogging home because I have everything set up just how I like it & have the best readers in the world here, but I'll use the Feminican blog to highlight women's issues that the brainwashed feminazis won't touch, like sharia and abortion through coercion, that sort of thing.

  4. Femini-CAN indeed ! Can`t keep a good blogger down ! Down but not out !

    Visited and saved / faved both your new blogs, though I haven`t yet read all the posts and am curious about comments. Also read your post at Potluck. Was able to tell them at Doug`s place about the outage. Good to be in-the-know ! Thanks !

  5. Lots of Google stuff had problems, but of course the biggest was the Blogger blackout, just a day after their big ad campaign rolled out telling folks to move all of their business stuff into the Google "cloud". This does not bode well for them. 

  6. Last I checked YouTube was out.  Hang on - I'll go check again....

    Ok - it's up and running again.

  7. Thanks, Peg! It's always good to have a contingency plan.


  8. Yay!  I notice that a number of bloggers have backup locations in place because this is a fairly frequent problem with platform upgrades.  Good to see you here again!  :-)
