Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day Tribute Link-around

No words I can write could ever properly express the depth of my gratitude for those who have fought for our freedom, and, especially, those who have given their lives for our country. Remember why we have Memorial Day and teach your children about the holiday's true meaning.

Here is a link-around tribute to our warriors who made the ultimate sacrifice for our Country:

Common Cents has two great tribute videos.

Alan Caruba at Warning Signs has a moving poem by Henry Reed.

At the Washington Examiner, Hugh Hewitt writes about how you can help those who serve and their families.

Gateway Pundit has video of Sarah Palin riding with Rolling Thunder.

Go to Human Events to read John Hayward's important and moving tribute to our fallen soldiers, History Is the Soldier's Gift.

Nice Deb has a terrific post for Memorial Day with more videos of yesterday's Rolling Thunder ride, a video from last year's, and more! Don't miss it.

Please visit No Sheeples and learn how YOU can be a hero for our heroes!

Victor Davis Hanson at national Review reminds us of what we, and people around the world, have only because of the sacrifices that our soldiers have made. Please read What We Might Remember This Memorial Day.

Jill at Pundit & Pundette has an absolute, can't miss, MUST READ tribute with amazing stories about some of the heroic Medal of Honor recipients who gave their lives for our country, For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity .

Jill Stanek shares a Bible verse for Memorial Day.

Smitty at The Other McCain shares a powerful music video for Memorial Day from Chris Cassone, If You're Deployed, And Can't Have a Proper Parade, 'Memorial Day' by Chris Cassone Is The Next best Thing.

Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs has a beautiful tribute including pictures and a powerful writing from a WWII veteran. Please do not miss this one, Thank You Is Not Enough...

Marathon Pundit takes readers to two memorials in Mishawaka, Indiana.

Da Techguy has A Most Relevant Gospel Today for A Memorial Day.

Please visit Dewey From Detroit to read Lest We Forget, and learn about Zac Cuddeback and how Americans honored him when he came back after being killed in the service of our Nation. God Bless You, Zac, thank you, and may you Rest In Peace.

MOTUS has a terrific Memorial Day post, including video of Pia Toscano singing the National Anthem.

Adrienne's Corner also has a terrific roundup for Memorial Day, be sure to check it out. Update: she updated her post to include this one, thanks, Adrienne!

I close this post with something I found at the website of the Boy Scouts Troop 254 in Lenois, NC:
Memorial Day is the day we put aside to remember fallen heroes and to pray that no heroes will ever have to die for us again. It's a day of thanks for the valor of others, a day to remember the splendor of America and those of her children who rest in this cemetery and others. It's a day to be with the family and remember.

As we honor their memory, let us pledge that their lives, their sacrifices, their valor shall be justified and remembered for as long as God gives life to this nation.

God Bless our military, and God Bless America.


  1. I kept checking to see if you had posted yet so I could include you.  I'll go back and update.  :-)

  2. I did that for you too, and added you just a moment after I finished my original
    post. :)


  3. Otis P. DriftwoodMay 30, 2011 at 1:08 PM

    Thanks for these links Zilla - I have been checking some of them out. A lot of inspiring stuff. Happy Memorial Day.

  4. We are so blessed to find ourselves living in a country, the only country, inspired by GOD in its founding and design, so unique in its freedoms and liberties that throughout its history, men and women have been willing to stand up here or go wherever necessary to protect her and others who are or may become our friends, regardless of the dangers, the cost in lives and material.

    I thank GOD for His blessings, and those among us and who came before who keep us free.

    Happy Memorial Day to you MJ and all the fellow Resisters; may GOD richly bless you all !

  5. Thank you for stopping by, Otis! I hope you had a nice holiday weekend. 

  6. Amen, amen and amen! Thank you, SPG, may you be blessed also. 
