Friday, May 20, 2011

THIS is What They Believe

Obama and the left repeatedly ally themselves with islam at the expense of everyone else. Please view the document and video posted below so you can understand exactly who we are all being sold out to. Learn what they believe so you will understand how it will effect you, and all free people.

The Perfect Man of Islam via CrossMuslims H/T Moonbattery and Ann Barnhardt
The Perfect Man of Islam

Here is the original short film, Fitna, from Geert Wilders.

I had intended to make this a much longer post,but my time is running out as I only have one day left before I lose my access to the internet if I cannot come up with what I need to catch up on my bill and I still have much to do before that happens. If I fail to stay online, know that my administrators will keep the A-C page running and this blog will remain up until I am able to return in a few weeks. If you would like to help me to continue my work, please hit the tip jar or buy some ad space. If you buy ad space before May 22, 2011, I will double your ad's run time free of charge. Thank you.


This post is linked at the Conservative Hideout. Thanks, Matt!


  1. Zilla/MJ,

    Let your Jewish friends know that many Americans stand with Israel. I told my Israeli buddy to have an airlift from El Al standing by to bring armed Americans into Israel if the crap hits the fan. Shoot, I can supply at least 6 other people on my own! haha

  2. I read "The Perfect Man"...........disturbing, to say the very least. The moon god worshiping, self proclaimed profit is exactly the opposite of anything I would call "perfect" except maybe, an example of all a man should strive never to be !  Looks like Mo did everything (and poorly might I add) except have sex with animals !

    Only satan could have come up with this drivel and called it perfect !

    Oh, I thought it appropriate that the "pointing hand" cursor points down in the body of the pdf. Pointing down, the direction from whence cometh the 12th imam. Ppppppfffffffffft ! Or the true originator of this death cult !

    Bin Laden said,"Westerners love life; we love death. THAT is the difference between us !" (paraphrased) Chilling, and informative !

    Now to watch Geert`s film. Like I need more "chilling" !

  3. Beastiality is actually permitted in islam, provided you follow specific guidelines like not selling the meat of the animal you defiled in your own village.

  4. Zilla/MJ,

    Let your Jewish friends know that many Americans stand with Israel. I told my Israeli buddy to have an airlift from El Al standing by to bring armed Americans into Israel if the crap hits the fan. Shoot, I can supply at least 6 other people on my own! haha

  5. MJ, (to your beastiality point)

    A few days ago, while watching vids from something else, the "next up" vids were "caught in the act" vids of muslims having their way with goats and sheep. So I knew it happened, I just didn`t know it is allowed in islam. Sex with animals is the origin of many v.d. viruses, BTW. SICK on a whole new level !

    Morality for them is a subjective thing !

  6. Sex with dead people is permitted as well, there was even a fatwa issued recently affirming this. 
