Thursday, June 9, 2011

Troopathon 2011 - I'm on the Anti-Jihadists Team!

Show some love for our troops! Troopathon is here and I am delighted to be a part of it! I am on the  Anti-Jihadists team in the drive to send care packages to our troops!

Here is more information, via Jihad Watch (Robert Spencer is the Captain of the Anti-Jihadists Team):
Move America Forward has compiled care packages that contain goods our troops need and cannot get -- as a way of saying "thank you" for their sacrifices and courage.
You can show your gratitude by sending one to the troops. Each care package will include a personal message written by you where you can express your gratitude to our military.
Move America Forward is a 501(C)3 so all care package donations are tax deductible.
Contribute here
Once again I am captaining a team of contributors: "The Anti-Jihadists"! If you're a blogger, please join our team! Let's take the big prize for largest contribution amount this year! Joining the competition is easy. Simply e-mail MAF Blogger Danny ( to get placed on a team and obtain the correct link to the care packages.

Right now the team consists of:

Show your appreciation and make a real difference to the troops!
You can help make the daily routine of our troops serving in Afghanistan and Iraq a little more bearable and thank them for their services all at the same time.
We've heard from countless members of the Armed Forces serving in the Middle East about items that the military does not provide, are hard to come by and they really appreciate getting . That's why Move America Forward has responded and compiled care packages that contain these goods as a way of saying "thank you" for their sacrifices and courage.

Most importantly, each care package will include a personal message written by you where you can express your gratitude to our military.

Move America Forward is a 501(C)3 so all care package donations are tax deductible. 
Care Packages include include any or all of the following:

Gourmet Organiz Coffee
Oreo Cookies
Candy Diplomacy
Jelly Belly Jelly Beans
Hot Chocolate
Hot Apple Cider
Wet Wipes
Battery Operated Fans
Painted Hills Beef Jerky
Chap Stick
Planters Trail Mix
Ocean Spray Craisins Trail Mix
Bug Repellent
"For The Troops" CDs
Diana Nagy "The Journey of Life" CDs
Foot Powder
Please show our troops how much you appreciate their sacrifices and contribute HERE.


  1. What a great, worthy cause! This is awesome Zilla!  I'd love to join and help out with this magnanimous cause.  Our troops need all the support they can get.  God Bless them in their efforts in the fight to defend our country, and in the spread of freedom.  

  2. Awesome, the more the merrier! If you join the Anti-Jihadists team, let me know & I'll add you to the list above.

  3. How do I get on your team? I want to send a squad pack. This is a great thing to do for our nation and for our troops!

  4. To send care packages, go here:
    To join the blogger Troopathon effort, send and email to Danny here: if you want to be on my team, the Anti-Jihadists, tell him and he'll add you and send more information. If you join my team and want a widget for your blog, send me an email and I'll send you the html code you'll need!
