Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Operation Send a HERO to DesMoines!

Robert Stacy McCain is awesome.
As readers of this blog know, on Sunday I found myself staring down the barrel of DOOM! and I was feeling mighty low and more than a wee bit panicked. I happened to mention my problem in the comment thread to a post Stacy had made to help Datechguy and before I knew it (and before I could even blog about it myself) Stacy was out in front rattling the tip jar for me like the hero that he is. DOOM! was averted thanks to him and the many, many, other good people who came to my aid and I am forever grateful.

On Monday, the trolls came, but when word of my troll trouble got out, a blogging knight in shining armor rode in to the rescue, again. That mighty knight is Robert Stacy McCain. Stacy is always helping other bloggers out, he is a righteous man and he is a hero. Even non-political bloggers like him!

Now Stacy needs our help!

Stacy isn't just a blogger, he is also a real reporter and he now has an opportunity to do some incredible on-the-ground reporting in Iowa this summer, but he needs help raising the funds to get there. Please visit The Other McCain and let Stacy know how much you appreciate everything that he does for all of us by hitting his tip jar!

UPDATE: The POH Diaries is campaigning to help Stacy get to Iowa too! 

This post is linked at The Other McCain. Thank you, Wombat-socho!

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