Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Operation United Front - UPDATED - Roll Call!


The time has come. We must stand together, now. If we allow one of ours to fall, then we will all fall, and everything that we hold dear will be lost forever.

As you all surely know by now, on Friday, a massacre of innocent people happened in Norway on Friday. Of course by now it is well known that the mass murderer of Norwegians was one of their own, so of course, the islamic conquistadors and their leftist enablers are using this atrocity committed by a lone madman to assign blame to anyone and everyone who opposes the jihad and islamitization, just as the atrocity in Tuscon was immediately blamed on the American right who had nothing to do with it. This is a ghoulish attempt by opportunistic agenda driven hyenas to silence free speech and squelch resistance to what remains the single greatest threat to freedom and human dignity.

Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Geert Wilders, Fjordman, Gates of Vienna, and the entire anti-jihad movement (especially bloggers) are under direct attack, it is blood libel, it is evil, and it is brutal. Even yours truly is not immune, but my trolls are fleas compared to the bloodthirsty pack of vampires who are going after those named above.

To get a clearer picture of what happened in Norway (that you will not see in the enemedia), what could have been done to minimize the death and destruction (but wasn't) and the reaction of Norwegian officials to their country's tragic failure to protect its people, please visit THIS post at 1389 Blog and read the whole thing.

Here are some links to get you caught up on the vilification, but this list is by no means exhaustive:
Atlas Shrugs:
Media Assassins
Takeaway ...... the Trash
Media's War on Freedom: Martin Bashir And NBC Terror Expert On People Attending Ground Zero Mosque Protests: “Not Much Of A Jump” From That To Norway Attacks…
Mumbai vs. Oslo  (excerpt):
Just days before a psychopath (alone and belonging to no one, no group, just the twisted sickness of a legend in his own broken mind) murdered over seventy people in Norway, the city of Mumbai was attacked in a brutal jihad by Muslim extremists, again. Hear about that? Not so much.
But one crackpot who has been planning a slaughter in Norway (setting his plan in motion before 911) has become the rallying cry of the dhimmedia in service to the most radical and extreme ideology on the face of the earth.
Where is the same obsessive drive to determine the motivation and the manifesto behind the jihad? Where are the investigative reports on the imams and the mosques that teach, advance and prescribe violence? Where is the Woodward and Bernstein team to investigate what motivated a Muslim to gun down U.S. soldiers in Arkansas?
Where's the round the clock coverage of the Muslim Zazi, who plotted to blow up the NY subway system with the help of his father and his imam on the anniversary of 911? Where's the relentless outcry and handwringing over the ideology that attracts young Muslims in America to join Muslim armies in Somalia? Why are there no television specials on why Osama Bin Laden quoted allah and koran extensively? What manifesto incited four Muslims in a jihad plot to bomb NYC synagogues and shoot down military planes with stinger missiles?
Where is the pained outcry over Fort Hood jihadi Major Hasan and his powerpoint presentation on Islam and the jihadic doctrine? What motivated a Pentagon attack suspect back in June (a marine, no less) to plot to bomb the Department of Defense? Was it his religious Al Qaeda notebook? This same pious Muslim was found to be responsible for recent random shootings at military installations in and around DC. Diane Sawyer, call your office.
Did Brian Williams, who tried to smear Robert Spencer last night with this Norwegian nut, look deeply into the ideology and manifesto that motivated more than one imam who was found guilty of plotting to blow up the fuel tanks at JFK airport, which would have made 911 look like amateur hour?
Where is the NY Times in-depth investigation of who and what inspired 6 American Muslims (including two imams), who were charged with aiding the jihad by providing the Taliban "material support to a conspiracy to murder, maim and kidnap persons overseas, as well as conspiring to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization"?
Where is the probe on bomb-making classes in madrassas? Or Islamic belly bombs to beat airport security? Or brutal islamic "constitutions" in Bangladesh, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran (the world's most brutal nations)?  Where is the media feeding frenzy on groups in the US plotting to overthrow the current system of governance and install "The United States of Islam"? Where are the headlines on the Muslim Brotherhood figure and former spokesman in the West's call to establish a global Islamic state? Where is the media outrage on the bible ban in Pakistan? What and who was responsible for the Chicago Muslim who was found guilty in a plot to blow up a Danish newspaper? Where was the killer media on the islamic leader who called for American Muslims to buy guns and start shooting people? Why isn't the media pounding on the manifesto that inspired Muslims' deadly attacks on Christian villages, leaving scores slaughtered and the village burned in Nigeria? Where is the WaPO and the NY Times front page splash on the Indonesian Muslims who planted a big bomb near a major church ahead of Easter?
CNN, why aren't you rabid in your pursuit to uncover what inspired the Muslim bomb plotters in the NYC synagogue attack, who were quoted as saying, “I hate Jews,” “I want to kill them”?
Believe me, folks, I could go on and on and on and on. This is just the last couple of months.
Where is the relentless pounding of the Islamic teachings that command jihad, ethnic cleansing, gender apartheid and hatred of non-Muslims? Where are the media exposes on the fatwa issued from the leading Islamic university, Al Azhar in Cairo, calling for the death of apostates, hypocrites and blasphemers?
No. The crime, ladies and gentlemen, is reporting these acts of war on the west. Guilty as charged. RTR

Jihad Watch:
Anders Breivik stole the counterjihad movement from freedom fighters -- we're stealing it back
Left, Islamic supremacists inciting violence against freedom fighters

Blazing Cat Fur:
Islamophobia and Mass Murder   
Spencer responds to smear charges, found guilty in NBC News report

Celestial Junk:
The Other Oslo Outrage

American Power: Progressives Attack Pamela Geller and Counter-Jihad

Invincible Armor: The Left Says Pamela Geller And Robert Spencer And The Right Were Responsible For Slaughter In Norway

The Other McCain: MSM Goes LGF: Media Trying to Blame Norway Massacre on Pamela Geller? (A MUST READ!)

The Gateway Pundit:
Bill O’Reilly Obliterates Lib Media Lie that Oslo Killer Was Christian Extremist

The POH Diaries:
Re: Media Assassins; Pamela Geller Under Assault, It’s The Anti-Anti-Jihad Movement

Legal Insurrection:
They will convince no one outside of their small circle of friends

Sultan Knish:
Debunking 6 Myths About Anders Breivik
Anders Behring Breivik and the High Cost of Muslim Immigration

Gates of Vienna:
Fjordman: Notes to the Media
The Devil’s Disciples @ The Old Grey Doxy
Fitting Us Into Their Agenda

Bosch Fawstin:
Support Robert Spencer Against the Scumedia
Artwork by Bosch Fawstin

Operation United Front:

We need to stand together with those who are fighting for freedom and human dignity. We need to make sure that they know that not only do we have their backs, but also, we need to show those who will stoop to the lowest of low tactics to destroy the righteous that we will not be cowed.

Please join me in showing support for those who are being unjustly attacked by sharing, Tweeting, emailing, re-blogging the message that the enemies of freedom will never ever silence the truth tellers. Send me your name (or username) and/or the name of your blog (if you have one) and I will update this post with a roll call of those who stand in solidarity for goodness and against evil. You can post in the comments section to this post, at the A-C page where this post will appear, you can Tweet me or email me to say you want to be listed here and I will add you to the roll. I will make sure that Geller, Spencer, and the others, know that we are with them. Also, please keep in mind that another great way to encourage a blogger is to hit their tip jar.

Who's with me?
Roll Call:
Jack Puglis 
Stephane Beaudoin – MaxPower1971
Daniel Greenfield - Sultan Knish
John C. Barile
Peg Conroy
Rob Trueman
The Phoenix
Ld Beck
Nat’s daughter
Gregor Mandelbaum
William Clark Thomas
Carol Anne Chang
John Spielman
Victoria Brown – Solstice Witch13’s BOS
Sheikyermami  - Winds of Jihad
Justin Jurek – A Catholic in VA Beach

Roll Call list will be updated frequently to reflect the names of others who will answer the call...

This post is linked at Blazing Cat Fur. Thank you, BCF!

This post is linked at American Power. Thanks, Donald!

This post is linked at Invincible Armor. Thank you, mRed!

This post is linked at The Lonely Conservative. Thanks, TLC!  

This post is linked at Mind Numbed Robot. Thank you, Robot!

This post is linked at Ironic Surrealism. Thanks, Velvet Hammer! 

This post is linked at the Independent Realist. Thank you, Thomas!

This post is linked at Sultan Knish. Thank you, Daniel!  

This post is linked again at American Power. Thanks again, Donald! 

This post is linked at Atlas Shrugs. Thank you, Pamela, WE STAND WITH YOU! 

This post is linked at The Other McCain. Thank you, Wombat-socho!

This post is linked at Political Byline in a kickass, must read, post in defense of Pamela Geller. Thank you, Patrick! 

This post is linked in a great post at That's So Haram. Thank you, Keiko!  

This post is linked at Jewish Odysseus. Thank You,  J.O.!

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Note to trolls/spammers: Off-Topic comments by trolls and spammers will be deleted and said trolls/spammers will be banned. Comment policy here and here

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  1. Thanks, Jack! I'm going to post the Roll Call list & updates to it in the post above after I cook & eat dinner and do some more mom stuff, but your nae will be at the top of the list!

  2. Great Title! *wink*

    You know what I think of miscarriages of justice!!! And media BS.... and... um.. are you sure I can still hug my trees?

  3. Hug all the trees you like! No trees are harmed by truthtellers on teh interwebs.
    So is Blue Jeans and Lace going to be added to the Roll Call when I update the blog?

  4. Count me in!

    I stand with the anti-jihadists and I stand with Israel.

  5.  If you think i'll fit... then you bet... you know me and how I roll.

  6. Thanks for the links Zilla, I've returned the favor and I've also added you to the blog roll. Also, don't hesitate to give me a shout if you run into anymore troll trouble!

  7. Thanks for the link!!! What is really sad is these leftists and their lurkers and trolls cut-and-paste the same crappy lies they've "borrowed" from the same crappy liars that wrote them in the first place. For my money the funniest site on aLGore'sInTernEt is the Democratic Underground. Now that is a freak show of cutters-n-pasters with extra freakiness thrown in for pure comedy gold.

    Great post Zilla.

  8. I'm about to update my post with the first signers for the Roll Call. May I count IA among them? 

  9. Thanks! May I add POH Diaries to the list of supporters in the Roll Call I'm putting together here? I will be updating the blog shortly.

  10. Anyone and everyone who is willing to stand with the truthtellers against the blood libel is welcome! 

  11. Was in a rush. My "Absolutely" means I'm in. Also read the Troll update and links. Badge of Honor my dear. Badge of Honor.

  12. I stand with you!

  13. KNOW I'm my real name as well as my handle!!!

    I can't understand how the islamo-camelo-fuckos can see this TRAGEDY in Norway like this! The guy was PROTESTING ( so he said, I personally just think he's a short bus rider) the loose immigration laws and the naturalization of Muslims......

    I got all my guys to observe a minute of silence on monday....The stories of survivors I've heard from the young people on the island are just fucking ....well TRAGIC!!

  14. MJ, you know that I stand for / with Israel, you, ALL the right wing bloggers and the cause of truth and freedom. I`m just at a loss for what I can do besides Pray, comment and whenever possible, e-snail a few bucks.  If that`s enough, then count me in ! You know I`ll do that !

  15. Thank you, SPG! You are a wonderful man and I am honored to have you standing with me! 

  16. I'm in also! You already have my blog name/URL in this post! :)

  17. OK y'all, Troll Patrol is on for the overnight, comments will go into the moderation cue and be posted in the morning.  You may also comment at the A-C page where I've posted the link for this post. It is bedtime for Zilla. Roll Call will be updated tomorrow. Thank you and good night.

  18. Post updated including your call. 

  19. Thanks, Peter! I'll add you to the Roll Call list! 

  20. Off topic comments by spammers/trolls will be deleted. No troll policy stands. 

  21. I'm with you.

    John C. Barile

  22. I hope I made myself clear here:

  23. Add me and my blog to the list Zilla.

  24. Thanks, my dear, and great work!!!  :-*

  25. Thank you, Peg!


  26. Rob Trueman is with you too!!!!

  27. may god bless robert spencer pamela geller gert wilders and all the many others (and more to come) that are valiantly shining  the light of truth, on the death cult that islam is.
    as more and more people learn the TRUTH  from these brave leaders, the criminal media and their pathetic dhimmitude reports becomes irrelevant 

  28. Count me in, I just posted and linked.

  29. Linked.

  30. OT, but this is important, timely, and not entirely OT.

    Christian Majority South Sudan has recently broken from the muslim dominate north and has now established diplomatic relations with Israel !! Wonderful news !!! (from Weasel Zippers)

  31. That IS wonderful news! I first reported on South Sudan when they voted to break free, looks like they're on the right track! Unfortunately, the jihad is still attacking from the North, but perhaps they can get a decent military together to defend themselves soon.

  32. That is my hope as well. They must stand strong - the sooner they can do so on their own, the better. Until then, it sure would be nice if Oblameless would order our help and other free nations would also !

    I hope it`s not just a dream and they can remain free !

  33. Hi Zilla, I'm with you. The LSM has jumped the shark big time with this conservative blogger witchhunt.

    Vantage Point of the One-Eyed Jack

  34. Thanks, Jack!  I'll add your blog to the Roll Call list.

  35. is with you all the way.

  36. The cowardly "Devoted muslim Soldier" as described by an AUG 2010 article by ABC news was arrested this week while plotting to blow up and then shoot any survivors at a diner full of civilians and Army personnel near Ft Hood.   As is usual the story now at ABC is that an Army soldier was caught with weapons and bomb making materials.  No reference at all about devout muslim from ABC now.
    The "religion of peace" only has 1300 years of mass murder, rape, pillage, slavery and dictatorships for a track record so of course our Main Stream Media, Politically Correct Ruling Class, and Imam Obama must bow and apologize before before every "devoted muslim" and hope and pray that they are not offended by any more cartoons.
    Our society needs to wake up, Islam has been at war with everyone else on this planet since muhammad the pediphile stopped robbing caravans and raping villiages long enough to write the koran and started converting unbeleivers to the "religion of peace" at the point of a sword.

  37. And it goes without saying, as Sir Doyal said,
    I'm all in....

  38. Zilla
    On the chance you haven't yet seen my reply on Facebook. Count me in!
    And BTW I've linked here:


  39. I just found it & added you, thanks! Also, thanks for linking to me at your place!

  40. Hi Zilla! You can add The Independent Realist to the Roll Call. I have already commented there about this very issue after seeing the New York Times column. Then after reading your article here, I went back and added a line linking to your article here. So count me in. We all have to stick together! As always,
    Best Wishes and Regards,
    Thom Paine - the Independent Realist

  41. Please add me to the united front.  Thanks

  42. Please add me as well!

  43. Just wanted to throw in an interesting point to keep in mind when the American Pravda Media and BBC and other lefties refer to the Norwegian killer being "Christian" socialist Norway, anyone who is not muslim is very likely to be referred to as Christian. The lefty media will NEVER dig any deeper than that !

  44. BTW, the killer's facebook page was changed to show him as a "conservative Christian" AFTER he was already locked up! Atlas was on it right away, and our friend Thomas Paine has info on it too at his great blog here:

  45. Thank you, Thomas, and that is a great post over at your place, I hope everyone here in my comments thread will check it out too! I shared it at the A-C page that I run at facebook also.

  46. You *do* realize that she *did* edit that posting, right?

  47. You can sign me up as part of the left coast division  - tirelessly pushing back against left wing lunacy daily!

  48. Will do, thanks! Keep pushing, never give up and never ever submit!

  49. As small as my name now is I would like to add it to your list.

  50. Whoops. not that name.

  51. Tell me what name you'd like me to add to represent you. and I'll add it to the list. I am honored to do so.

  52. What`s your name, Bob ? (Cheech and Chong, early `70s) Sorry, couldn`t resist. ;-)

  53. Yeah, you can stick me in there too... I posted on it:

  54. William Clark ThomasJuly 30, 2011 at 7:52 PM

    As a person who has spent 7 years in the ME and Afghanistan in direct support of the Troops and a Cold War era Veteran please add my name to the list. 

  55. WC, please accept my thanks and gratitude for your service to country and your support of our troops. Whatever you did, it is greatly appreciated !

  56. Thank from the bottom of my heart for your service to America, and thank you for joining the Roll here! God bless you, Sir.

  57. Include me in, amiga!

  58. You've got it! Thank you!


  59. Please add my name.

  60. count me in!

  61. Please add me to your roll,



  62. You've got it! Thanks! Also, I've added Solstice Witch13's BOS to my blogroll here. 

  63. You can add my blog at to your list.  My own country has  experienced Islamic terror and I refuse to see my home fall to the stealth jihad.

  64. Done. Thank you so much. I will fight against the jihad, in whatever form it takes, to my last breath. 

  65. Please add Truthiocity to this list.

  66. I stand with Pamela and Robert and the soldiers of reason and human rights against the horde of deception and oppression led by the jihadist movement and their patsies in the liberal press.

    Cyril Lucar
    The Patriarchate of Constantinople

  67. Count me in as a supporter of Geller, Spencer and other voices in the fight against creeping Sharia. Just know, however, that I don't suffer fools well and have a low tolerance for bullshit. Therefore, just as I'd never even consider a career as a nanny or a day care worker, I don't often engage with LGFers or other lefturds in what they call discussions or debates. When the time is right for laughing at the idiots, which is often, I'm there.

  68. Good for you, AuntieMadder. It really is a waste of time and effort to engage a lefturd in "debate".  The word exists in their vocabulary only as rhetoric. Rarely will you get other than a name-calling screamfest. Laughing at them works well as a steam release !

  69. Dem. Rep. Keith Ellison, MN, continues his meme / rant / claim that islam is "mis-understood".

    Well Keith, since the only muslims who open their mouths about islam are the ones who`ve been "radicalized" and they are the ones who want to destroy ALL OTHER religions, what are we supposed to think ? That they are correct and the quiet ones actually believe the same way ? If not, then the "peaceful" muslims need to stand up and speak out and help us to "understand" !

    If Americans DID understand islam better, the koran that guides it and sharia law that governs it, would we be any more receptive to it ?

  70. I'm all for standing up to Jihadists, but spreading a message of divisiveness and hate is exactly what the Taliban wants - playing right into their hands by invoking an atmosphere of fear.  We are better and braver than than and hopefully not a hateful nation.   Geller and Spencer are alarmists and spread hate, just as the Tea Party that marched against the new mosque in TN, whose Islamic community has existed peacefully there for 30 years.  ( It is not unlike the KKK that marched against Catholic churches in TN in 1930).    I hate Sharia Law and Islamic fundamentalism but people like Geller and Spencer send a message of hate toward all Muslims, not just terrorists.   What kind of cowardice is it that fears American Muslims - a less than 2% minority religion?  

    I am not "trolling" and if my comment is deleted, it will show your cowardice and bigotry toward those who stand with you but have a braver and broader view.   I will not endorse the radical anti-multiculturalism of the Norway killer.  I hope you do not as well.  Our strength has always been our diversity.

  71. I'm all for standing up to Jihadists, but spreading a message of
    divisiveness and hate is exactly what the Taliban wants - playing right
    into their hands by invoking an atmosphere of fear.  We are better and
    braver than than and hopefully not a hateful nation.   Geller and
    Spencer are alarmists and spread hate, just as the Tea Party that
    marched against the new mosque in TN, whose Islamic community has
    existed peacefully there for 30 years.  ( It is not unlike the KKK that
    marched against Catholic churches in TN in 1930).    I hate Sharia Law
    and Islamic fundamentalism but people like Geller and Spencer send a message of hate toward all Muslims, not just terrorists.   What kind of cowardice is it that fears American Muslims - a less than 2% minority religion?  

    I am not "trolling" and if my comment is deleted, it will show your
    cowardice and bigotry toward those who stand with you but have a braver
    and broader view.   I will not endorse the radical anti-multiculturalism
    of the Norway killer.  I hope you do not as well.  Our strength has
    always been our diversity.

  72. I'm all for standing up to Jihadists, but spreading a message of
    divisiveness and hate is exactly what the Taliban wants - playing right
    into their hands by invoking an atmosphere of fear.  We are better and
    braver than than and hopefully not a hateful nation.   Geller and
    Spencer are alarmists and spread hate, just as the Tea Party that
    marched against the new mosque in TN, whose Islamic community has
    existed peacefully there for 30 years.  ( It is not unlike the KKK that
    marched against Catholic churches in TN in 1930).    I hate Sharia Law
    and Islamic fundamentalism but people like Geller and Spencer send a
    message of hate toward all Muslims, not just terrorists.   What kind of
    cowardice is it that fears American Muslims - a less than 2% minority

    I am not "trolling" and if my comment is deleted, it will show your
    cowardice and bigotry toward those who stand with you but have a braver
    and broader view.   I will not endorse the radical anti-multiculturalism
    of the Norway killer.  I hope you do not as well.  Our strength has
    always been our diversity. Type your comment here.

  73. I'm all for standing up to Jihadists, but spreading a message of
    divisiveness and hate is exactly what the Taliban wants - playing right
    into their hands by invoking an atmosphere of fear.  We are better and
    braver than than and hopefully not a hateful nation.   Geller and
    Spencer are alarmists and spread hate, just as the Tea Party that
    marched against the new mosque in TN, whose Islamic community has
    existed peacefully there for 30 years.  ( It is not unlike the KKK that
    marched against Catholic churches in TN in 1930).    I hate Sharia Law
    and Islamic fundamentalism but people like Geller and Spencer send a
    message of hate toward all Muslims, not just terrorists.   What kind of
    cowardice is it that fears American Muslims - a less than 2% minority

    I am not "trolling" and if my comment is deleted, it will show your
    cowardice and bigotry toward those who stand with you but have a braver
    and broader view.   I will not endorse the radical anti-multiculturalism
    of the Norway killer.  I hope you do not as well.  Our strength has
    always been our diversity. 

  74.  "If Americans DID understand islam better, the koran that guides it and
    sharia law that governs it, would we be any more receptive to it ?" they'd be freaking the hell out and wondering why nobody told them the truth sooner and why our country has allowed them to infiltrate our gov't and our society so badly and then they'd be wondering why nobody in a position to do something about it is actually doing something about it!
    Ellison is a taqiyya spewing stealth jihadist. His very presence in Congress amounts to treason if you ask me.

  75. I am glad that I get Zilla's postings in my email in-box. If I did not, I would not have seen the troll that was recently on here spamming away his ignorance (In spite of what he claimed, he was without doubt, a troll). It never ceases to amaze me not just how stupid some people are, but how arrogant they are in their stupidity. I will not call him ignorant, as ignorance is only a lack of knowledge. Those who reject knowledge and intelligence only to regurgitate pro-islamist talking points are just plain stupid, and they were their stupidity as a badge of honor. To attack people who are doing what they can to protect America, just so he can feel good about his little politically correct self is not just pathetic, but disheartening as well. Why is it disheartening? Because people like Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Zilla/MJ, and every other anti-jihadist out there is trying to protect him, whilst he continues to embrace the enemy. He may have claimed to stand up against jihadists, but that was just a ploy to get his anti-anti-jihadist message posted here. Bravo, Zilla! for catching that troll! It's too bad the web has a "catch and release" policy. Keep up the great work Zilla! We're all in this together!
    Best Regards,
    Thom Paine - the Independent Realist

  76. " arrogant they are in their stupidity."

    A commonality I`ve noticed in most every troll I`ve encountered. Also among the traits of the rabid anti-christian. It`s as though they can`t wait to expound on their knowledge, but demonstrate their lack of it instead !

  77. Thanks, Thom! Did you happen to catch my reply to him?
    4 usernames, 4 identical posts, using different IP addresses.
    Something similar happened last week when the "Democratic Underground" sent their trolls.

  78. I notice that when they come, they all use the same talking points, as if one idjit gets an "idea" and they all say to themselves, "OOOHHHH OOOOHHHH! That's the one which will make those evil anti-jihadis see the light and submit like the good dhimmies we are!" and then the spam swarm begins. Last week about a half dozen people posted the same exact line of crap trying to accuse me of being involved with some bombing of an abortuary. Morons. 

  79. Yes I am ! Yes I am !

  80. Ah, the Democratic Underground! A haven for trolls everywhere. You do have to give them props though. They do practice diversity over there. I mean, come on, where else can trolls, and orcs, and goblins, and urukai all live side by side, working toward the same goal - destroying anything that is good and morale and right. Sometimes I think I would like to sign up over there, just to see if I can get any of their heads to explode.

  81. They can't help themselves. That's just how they were programmed. I think we have to blame Morgoth. And Sauroman. We can blame him to. And Sauron, let's not forget him.

  82. Do you have access to an E-bio suit ? They splatter I hear ! Eww, nastimosis ! Don`t want that on ya !

  83.  Lets throw it back at them!

  84. If you are familiar with this blog, you should know that I do, and I do it often. :)
    Ben, I added Islam Exposed to my blogroll, would you also like to be added to the Roll Call list for Operation United Front above?

  85. New data from polling firm Gallup shows that out of all the religious groups in the U.S., Muslims are most likely to reject violence, followed by the non-religious atheists and agnostics.

    Through interviews with 2,482 Americans, Gallup found that 78 percent of Muslims believe violence which kills civilians is never justified, whereas just 38 percent of Protestant Christians and 39 percent of Catholics agreed with that sentiment. Fifty-six percent of atheists answered similarly.

    When Gallup put the question a bit more pointedly, asking if it would be justified for "an individual person or a small group of persons to target and kill civilians," the responses were a bit more uniform. Respondents from nearly all groups were widely opposed to such tactics, with Protestants and Catholics at 71 percent against. Muslims still had the highest number opposed, at 89 percent. Seventy-six percent of atheists were also opposed.

    The Gallup survey, conducted over the course of a year, was designed to measure religious and non-religious attitudes toward violence 10 years after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

    Perhaps most tellingly, 92 percent of Muslims surveyed said they did not believe any Muslim in their community had sympathy toward al Qaeda terrorists, but just 56 percent of Protestants and 63 percent of Catholics said the same.

  86. Why do cowards delete inconvenient facts they don't like?  Answer: Cowardice and denial.

    New data from polling firm Gallup shows that out of all the religious groups in the U.S., Muslims are most likely to reject violence, followed by the non-religious atheists and agnostics.

    Through interviews with 2,482 Americans, Gallup found that 78 percent of Muslims believe violence which kills civilians is never justified, whereas just 38 percent of Protestant Christians and 39 percent of Catholics agreed with that sentiment. Fifty-six percent of atheists answered similarly.When Gallup put the question a bit more pointedly, asking if it would be justified for "an individual person or a small group of persons to target and kill civilians," the responses were a bit more uniform. Respondents from nearly all groups were widely opposed to such tactics, with Protestants and Catholics at 71 percent against. Muslims still had the highest number opposed, at 89 percent. Seventy-six percent of atheists were also opposed. The Gallup survey, conducted over the course of a year, was designed to measure religious and non-religious attitudes toward violence 10 years after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.  Perhaps most tellingly, 92 percent of Muslims surveyed said they did not believe any Muslim in their community had sympathy toward al Qaeda terrorists, but just 56 percent of Protestants and 63 percent of Catholics said the same.  

  87. It's actually kind of fun to watch them squirm and then start flapping their gums while speak and spit vehement lib talking points. They get all flustered and can't speak properly (and that's before I even say anything!). Of course, the easy way to get their heads to explode is to simply play Slim Whitman songs to them.

  88. Them thair Martians HATE Slim Whitman yodellizin` ! Trolls just hate ! Heh Heeee !

  89. Gov Chris Christie - the guy many Republicans want as their next President -  has nominated Sohail Mohammed - a Muslim judge to the NJ Superior Court. 
    When asked if he was worried about Sharia Law, Christee responded,  
    "Sharia Law has nothing to do with this at all, it’s crazy! The guy is an American citizen...  the Sharia Law business is just crap… and I’m tried of dealing with the crazies.  it’s just unnecessary to be accusing this guy of things just because of his religious background.” 
    The FIRST CHOICE of most Republicans for President of the United States has just called you and your Islamophobic asshole "United Front" with an appropriate description:



  90. First of all, fuck you. Secondly, if you want your vitriol to re-appear in my comments thread, there is a price to pay:
    Thirdly, bitch, Chris Christie is well known as an islamocoddling dhimmi, as I explained here:
    He is not the "first choice" of any American who has been paying attention.
    Now having said that, go take your leftist talking point, shine it real nice, turn it sideways, and shove it straight up your candy ass.
    You may return to this blog and post, when you sign up as a registered troll, as per the Official Rules here. Jackass.

  91. Thank you, Thom, always a pleasure to see you here. If "Justin" and his ilk wish to have their leftist talking points spam NOT be removed from my comments section, they must follow the rules and pay the price for the privilege:

  92. Troll with the  IP address you may not post here without registering as the troll piece of garbage that you are. 

  93. To an ignorant cowardly and fearful pathetic individual like you, the only good Muslim is a dead Muslim... just like the Nazis and Jews.  

    FBI - Take note:  This blogger represents a RIGHT WING TERRORIST NETWORK

    FYI... Muslims have played a role along with the Founding Father of America.

    Muslims Peter Saleem (Salem), Salem Poor, Yusuf Ben Ali, Bampett Muhamed, Francis Saba, and Joseph Saba fought for America in the Revolutionary War against the British.

    During the War of 1812, Bilali (Ben Ali) Muhammad and the eighty Muslim men under his leadership fought to protect their American homeland in Georgia's Sapelo Island from a British attack.

    The Founding Fathers were not unfamiliar with Islam and expressed tolerance. Benjamin Franklin helped establish a non-denominational religious meeting house in Philadelphia, he emphasized its non-sectarian nature by stating that "even if the Mufti of Constantinople were to send a missionary to preach Mohammedanism to us, he would find a pulpit at his service."

     In 1776, John Adams published "Thoughts on Government," in which he praises the Islamic prophet Muhammad as a "sober inquirer after truth" alongside Confucius, Zoroaster, Socrates, and other thinkers.

    Thomas Jefferson defended religious freedom in America including those of Muslims. Jefferson explicitly mentioned Muslims when writing about the movement for religious freedom in Virginia. While President, Jefferson also participated in an iftar with the Ambassador of Tunisia in 1809.

    Zilla will delete this because ignorance, hate and right wing terrorism is what is promoted here.

  94. Well. I`m finding this utterly fascinating ! You`re leaving the poster`s "name" up, but deleting the post, then chewing them out. Great coolness of beans ! AND, as a bonus, you publish their IP addies ! Hardee har har ! Way to go MJ.

    As for Christy; by NJ standards, he may well be conservative. Sure, he did some things that are unheard of lib. la la land, but his coddling of illegal aliens AND mooslimes makes him absotively, possolutely and completely unacceptable as a pres. candidate.

    Zilla SMACKDOWN......lovin` it !

  95. Thank you Thom. I always appreciate your comments. You do your namesake proud !

  96. The kindest word I have for it is "dyslexia". Everything is viewed in reverse.

    You`re doing the right things and we all know it. Just hang in there and give `em hell !


    You really need to read this.  And remember who did NOT 'stand together' recently, but instead created division where there was none, and accused others of being neo-facists etc without providing any proof to back that up -  then turned on those who questioned her judgement.  Pam Geller.

  98. Do you think that apology that the open letter asked for will be forthcoming now btw?

    If not why not?

  99. Comments are now closed to this thread. Aside from a handful of friends, it's mostly trolls coming to post at this point anyway and they do not have my permission to abuse me or spew their hatred as they are not paying the Troll Toll and registering as the trolls that they are.
