Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Rebuttal to Congressman John Hall's Slanderous Attack

Here is my rebuttal, in its entirety, to the slanderous attack Congressman John Hall (NY-19) launched against me and the facebook political information page that I run, ANTI-C.R.A.P.T.A.S.T.I.C. - I sent it to the author of yesterday's Daily News article, Celeste Katz, who wrote about the incident:

I am the founder of the facebook page, ANTI-C.R.A.P.T.A.S.T.I.C., which was written about in the NY Daily News yesterday and that Congressman John Hall (NY-19) unfairly attacked in an attempt to smear his political opponent, Nan Hayworth who is running against him in the November 2 election.

John Hall is angry because we endorsed Dr. Hayworth, but what he fails to realize is that we would have endorsed anybody who we thought could successfully win an election against him. Just because we endorse Nan Hayworth does not necessarily mean that she likes our page or has even heard of us until recently.

John Hall clearly does not understand how facebook works, just as he doesn't understand what it means to dutifully represent the people in his constituency. Nan Hayworth never posted anything from my page; when you post on facebook and "tag" someone who is either on your friend list or whose page you follow, it automatically appears on their page. That is what happened yesterday.

John Hall has slandered my page as an "extreme bigotted group" simply because we oppose the big government, big spending, Orwellian agenda that he and his fellow CRAPTASTICs are trying to force onto an unwilling populace. John Hall clearly has a problem with Constitutionally protected freedom of speech if it is not
done in agreement with the far left radical point of view.

Silencing political dissent is a hallmark of collectivist and totalitarian regimes, so I am really not at all surprised that John Hall would be in favor of it.

John Hall is typical of the elite ruling class who have nothing but contempt for anyone but themselves and their advocates. Mr. Hall needs to be reminded that he is a temporary employee who only gets to keep his job at the discretion of the people who he is being paid to represent, and we can see November from our houses.

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