Monday, March 7, 2011


THIS is why we fight. Via Atlas Shrugs, newly released footage of September 11, 2001 as filmed by an NYPD helicopter. WARNING: This is very difficult to watch. Some strong language too, send the kiddoes out of the room...


If you'd like to read my own recollection of that day and the days which followed, you can read it here:
I Will Always Be a New Yorker


  1. Thanks, Steve, I've been enjoying reading your blog too.

  2. WOW!
    Thanks for posting this! I always enjoy coming back to your site!!

    Common Cents

  3. Thanks, SPG! Speaking of mommies, check out my latest post.

  4. Good Mommy ! It bears repeating !

  5. On the morning of September 11, 2001 the front page of the NY Daily News had a full page cover about Mariah Carey's nervous breakdown. Of course they had gone to press that day hours before the attacks, but I saved that paper as a memento of where our culture's priorities were. It only took a few months before celebrity hi-jinks were again front page news fodder, even in the place where 3000 people were murdered for Al & Mo.

  6. I find those things hard to watch too, the images and sounds of that day often repeat in my mind and will never be erased.
    At my workplace, I had a little radio which was airing live broadcast from Manhattan. The sounds of the collapse and the screams of the people are the stuff of nightmares. My husband worked at an autobody shop where the owner got a bunch of WTC cars to salvage/scrap. He described the destruction evident in the vehicles and the thick thick dust that encased them. Awful, awful stuff.

  7. The real heroes were the ones who I collected supplies for and all of the people who came to my workplace, heartbroken, and filled those boxes. Thank you for reading my memoir.

  8. It saddens and infuriates me that people have already forgotten, but MY kids, who weren't even born yet on 9/11, know what happened and they won't forget. Every year I have the memorial on the TV and every year I explain why mommy is crying.

  9. How the hell so many can forget this in less than 10 years, not only saddens me but ticks me off. I am one who is of this belief about Islam. I learned all I needed 09/11.

  10. Mare, I`d always thought of you as a hero in your home - battling your limitations to care for your family ! This tale of irresistible need to help those who were helping in the rescue attempt proves you possess the best of what is America ! Bless your heart and all you set out to do ! You are a hero in your own right !

  11. I had just spotted this vid at The Blaze and sorta fast forwarded thru it; just couldn`t bring myself to watch it all again ! I`ve seen it, been effected, it`s forever etched in my memory, and as my avatar will attest, I will NEVER FORGET ! I will never forget who did this and why ! I will never forget the nearly 3,000 souls lost on that fateful day !

    I promise to read your "recollection" soon.

  12. As with the day Kennedy was killed (way before your time) - I will never forget - not ever.

    What saddens me the most is how many people have forgotten...
