Friday, April 29, 2011

Lara Logan Courageously Speaks Out

Lara Logan, the reporter who was brutally tortured and sexually assaulted by a frenzied mob in Egypt is bravely speaking out about what happened to her.

Here is a clip from the CBS interview that will air on the CBS program 60 Minutes on Sunday, May 1, 2011 at 7 pm EST:

Bare Naked Islam has a post from February with graphic and horrible details of what Ms. Logan endured at the hands of islamomisogynists who view women as subhuman entities HERE. At That's So Haram, Keiko explains that the savagery described in the BNI article is typical of islamic rapes:
This is REAL Islamic rape. I knew the white-washed story the mediawas giving was a bunch of bullshit. Islamic rape is brutal. It is savage. It is dehumanizing and soul-destroying. Westerners–especially women–don’t know what Islamic rape is!! In the West when a woman is raped it is usually by one male, generally done very quickly, and only in some cases is there extreme violence/torture involved or death. Rape as we know it in the West is horrific enough. But Islamic rape is ALWAYS a pure, living, hellish, nightmare.

Lara Logan may never be the same again. Please pray for her total healing–physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically. Ask the Lord to out-do Himself with love and mercy towards her.
From the CBS article about her 60 Minutes appearance, here is a brief rundown of what happened:

On Feb. 11, Logan was on assignment for "60 Minutes" covering Egypt's mass celebration of its revolution. With her in Tahrir Square in Cairo were her producer, Max McClellan and cameraman Richard Butler. There was also an interpreter and a former member of Britain's elite military special services acting as a bodyguard.

She reported without incident for nearly an hour before her interpreter heard words in the Arabic-speaking crowd that gave him pause. He advised the team to leave, but before they could, a mob of several hundred men encircled Logan, who soon became separated from her team and bodyguard as the crowd swept her up.

Logan lost contact with her colleagues for approximately 25 minutes and endured a sexual assault and beating that she feared she would not survive. "There was no doubt in my mind that I was in the process of dying," she tells Pelley. "I thought not only am I going to die, but it's going to be just a torturous death that's going to go on forever..."

Thoughts of her two young children helped reinforce her determination to survive the assault, she says, which finally ended when she was rescued by a group of Egyptian women and soldiers. The soldiers drove her and her team back to their hotel, where she was examined by a doctor. She returned to the U.S. the next day and went directly into a hospital, where she was treated for four days.

When Logan saw her children, "I felt like I had been given a second chance that I didn't deserve...because I did that to them. I came so close to leaving them, to abandoning them," she says.

Logan, who began her first full day back in her "60 Minutes" office Wednesday (April 27), says she is healing. "I am so much stronger [now]." She hopes her story will give courage to other victims of sexual assault, especially female reporters who fear such admissions may impact their work.

The New York Times has more details:
“There was a moment that everything went wrong,” she recalled.

As the cameraman, Richard Butler, was swapping out a battery, Egyptian colleagues who were accompanying the camera crew heard men nearby talking about wanting to take Ms. Logan’s pants off. She said: “Our local people with us said, ‘We’ve gotta get out of here.’ That was literally the moment the mob set on me.”

Mr. Butler, Ms. Logan’s producer, Max McClellan, and two locally hired drivers were “helpless,” Mr. Fager said, “because the mob was just so powerful.” A bodyguard who had been hired to accompany the team was able to stay with Ms. Logan for a brief period of time. “For Max to see the bodyguard come out of the pile without her, that was one of the worst parts,” Mr. Fager said. He said Ms. Logan “described how her hand was sore for days after — and the she realized it was from holding on so tight” to the bodyguard’s hand.

They estimated that they were separated from her for about 25 minutes.

“My clothes were torn to pieces,” Ms. Logan said.

She declined to go into more detail about the assault but said: “What really struck me was how merciless they were. They really enjoyed my pain and suffering. It incited them to more violence.”

After being rescued by a group of civilians and Egyptian soldiers, she was swiftly flown back to the United States. “She was quite traumatized, as you can imagine, for a period of time,” Mr. Fager said. Ms. Logan said she decided almost immediately that she would speak out about sexual violence both on behalf of other journalists and on behalf of “millions of voiceless women who are subjected to attacks like this and worse.”

Before the assault, Ms. Logan said, she did not know about the levels of harassment and abuse that women in Egypt and other countries regularly experienced. “I would have paid more attention to it if I had had any sense of it,” she said. “When women are harassed and subjected to this in society, they’re denied an equal place in that society. Public spaces don’t belong to them. Men control it. It reaffirms the oppressive role of men in the society.” READ THE WHOLE THING HERE
Please pray for Ms. Logan's continued healing. I commend her for her courage in speaking out about such an unimaginably awful experience, I hope that her voice will give hope to other women who have gone through similar ordeals and raise awareness of the evil way women are treated by islam.

Hat Tips to: Jihad Watch, The Lonely Conservative, and Weasel Zippers.

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  1. GSSnyder.blogspot.comMay 20, 2011 at 11:21 PM

    This is most certainly a horrific event. But it brings to light the reality of the Muslim world. Egypt is not the U.S. ... and Egypt is not the worst of these countries. These are dangerous places...especially when the crowds are being incited to Islamist furor. As much a women want, and rightly so, to be treated as equals, they should not be given assignments to cover events in countries where simply by the fact that they are women, they are the object of scorn and muurderous intent. This is not access to locker rooms in professional sports...this is the real world.

    I pray that Ms. Logan can make some kind of recovery...though it will be very difficult. I also pray that other news organizations learn the lesson of her terrible experience and stop sending other women into such danger.

  2. So are liberals and the celebutards who shill for them!

  3. ET reports Stink-O-Meter registers aroma of orchids ! (orchids are parasites, btw)

  4. Just ONE of the many reasons P`BO has earned the nickname "ZERO" !!

  5. That's exactly why it's great that she has come out to the world with this. She needs the healing and the world needs to know the truth from a primary victim who lived to tell about it.

    This is also one of the reasons I get SO frustrated and put off by friends talking about the "democracy movement" in Egypt. Bullshit!! It's being taken over by Islamist monsters.

  6. He represents NOTHING about us or real America!

  7. Which is why islamic supremacists have been able to infiltrate the West so effectively, because people are afraid to speak the truth and hurt the feelings of people who want to kill us!

  8. Somehow it would be Bush's fault, or Israel's.


    OMG.....that should be on EVERY news feed!!!!

  10. Yeah of course they won't admit publicly that these are demented western hating people.....wonder what would happen if the wife of the monkey president was to get raped like that....

  11. I suspect that providing her with APPROPRIATE security would have forced CBS (or perhaps Ms. Logan) to admit a very non-PC truth about the nature of islam towards women (and especially Western women). The MSM had convinced themselves that these were peaceful innocent people yearning for the type of freedoms we enjoy.

  12. If I was her ''security'' that night,,,,I would have emptied the gun on them sick fucks....take as many as I can. Just pointing it would have prolly did it...cause they all talk tough...but who's gonna take the first bullet ???

    Wasn't she like the HEAD HONCHO for CBS's international journalists??? Why the fuck didn't she get a security detail worthy (and not some ''tough'' journalist that is egyptian,on top of things) of the great dangers that EVERY WOMAN is subject to in the middle east???

    I hate to repeat myself...but I really wish we wiped out those pig fuckers and use their land as a American Airlines hub...

  13. I am more and more convinced that Islam is a very sick religion. Either that, or those who practice it are demented.

  14. I don't care about celebrities either and feminists have never really been about championing oppressed women, a fact that I documented extensively in this post here:

  15. This is a real story; an important story that should be played on every news channel. I don't care that Beyonce farted or Brittney Spears is on drugs. I think everyone should hear about these stories. Those Lib femenists really need to take their heads from their bums and protest this stuff. Wtf? Some Fems they are.

  16. These are the people who zero admires, islamorapists and islamorageboys. Zero loves islamotyranny.

  17. They may be zero's allies, that doesn't mean they are "ours".

  18. Well in islamic sharia a woman's word doesn't count unless 2 males back it up and few males are willing to do that for fear of the islamorageboys' wrath.

  19. LOL, those are our allies and these are our leaders......

    "Mommy, where are we going and why are we in this handbasket ?"

  20. ReaganiteRepublicanMay 20, 2011 at 11:21 PM

    Careful what you say, Lara- those are our allies lol

  21. This is a horror that no one should have to endure, on every level ! Further proof that the religion of peace is nothing of the sort ! I certainly do and have prayed for Lara`s healing and strength to tell the world the truth about WHO did this.

    It occurred to me last night after reading this that now I understand why the victims of islamic rape are killed instead of the rapists......eliminate the witnesses !

    This 7th century death cult paraded as a religion is from satan, not GOD ! I have no doubts ! My heart aches for all the lives and souls destroyed and / or lost because of the loooonacy of this cult`s followers !

    Thanks MJ, I`d hoped you`d carry this story.

  22. Well if they did that, that means they'd have to admit the truth about islam and that would not be politically correct.
