Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Little Note About Comments

There's a nasty little flame war raging in the comments thread under one of my posts here and someone suggested that I "need to" do something to control what folks say in my comments section. Let me tell ya something, I intend to do no such thing. I have a standard policy of removing obvious trolls unless my readers are having fun abusing them, but when people who I know turn up, I pretty much let them say whatever they please. However, if you show up in the comments section and are nasty to everybody, I don't care who you are, the people you harass are more than welcome to hand your ass to you in as ,many broken pieces as they see fit. I don't care. Especially if the people you are picking fights with happen to agree with me.
MY BLOG, not yours.

I'm a big fan of Wirecutter's blog, Knuckledraggin my life away and he has a comment policy that I really can identify with. Here's a portion of it:
This blog is not a forum. I have my views and I ain't changing them.
Read that again. This blog is not a forum. I'm not interested in your fucking arguments and you damned sure ain't going to change my mind with a comment.
It doesn't cost any money to start a blog and tons of people already have them. If you find my posts so upsetting to you that you feel the need to fill my comments section with disparaging comments and argue with everyone who posts in support of the opinions expressed at my blog, then why don't you go and blog about it? Instead of having a flame war with my readers, have a blog war with me. Observe Stacy McCain's Rule 4 and it will drive traffic to both of our blogs and also you won't have to worry about the natives who I let have free reign in my comments section here. You can moderate comments at your own blog so my big ole meanie-pants readers can't hurt you.

And don't fucking follow me to other people's blog posts elsewhere to complain about my readers in threads I comment to which are completely unrelated to stuff here; that's just childish. Seriously. All you will accomplish is that you'll piss me off and if you think the natives here are bad, well you really won't like what comes out of me if you push too hard.

Linked at The Other McCain! Thank you!!!

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  1. Zilla,
    You are now on my blog roll at
    and my sister site
    Bob A.

  2. You've got a great comments section, Gunny, I have almost as much fun reading the comments from your fans as I do reading your posts! You've got some really terrific people over there.

  3. Thanks, Bob! I'm honored.
    Every blogger is entitled to moderate comments in whatever manner they see fit, I generally let folks do what they want here but I have no patience for trolls so I kick them out unless my readers are having fun tormenting them. The person who harassed everyone here for two solid days though was someone I had once respected and considered a friend. That's why I didn't dispatch him right away, but after he started dragging the drama out of here and over to an innocent person's blog post, he truly crossed a line.

  4. Yeah, it's one thing to disagree, but something else entirely to go after every single person who comments at my blog and then follow me to an entirely different blog by a nice blogger who had nothing to do with any of this to bitch to me in that nice blogger's unrelated comment thread that he was mad when the people he was harassing pushed back! The icing on the cake though was when I discovered that he then created a blog post at his place to talk smack about me AND all of you! Which is what prompted me to post this:
    I treasure the people who take time out of their busy days to come here and read my stuff & then comment about it, you all deserve so much better than what that rude person subjected you to. For what it's worth, I am sorry that I didn't ban him sooner. I had no idea that he was so unstable.

  5. Zilla,

    I moderate my posts at the Anti Liberal Zone only because of the profanity that the Leftists spew since their tiny minds can't frame thoughts w/o ad hominem attacks. The good ones I post and allow my readers to thrash em, clyde in particular! haha

  6. Zilla, it irks me, too; why someone thinks they can come into your living room and spew with no repercussions...

    No manners. No class. Or brains. Or common sense.

  7. Thanks, mRed! Sometimes you've got to draw a line.

  8. It doesn't infringe on their free speech to disallow trolls from abusing you & your readers, they are still free to go elsewhere to be jackasses.

  9. I don't like bullies, especially when they attempt to intimidate my readers from feeling like they can post to my blog unmolested. This blog has some of the coolest fans in the world and they deserve better than what they were subjected to the past few days.

  10. Heh, I am so snarfing these comment rules for my site. I love the libtards who hammer me about "free speech" whenever I delete their puss-infested slanders.

  11. Wanted to add my kudos to your effective writing and actions. And, in following links here, I've enjoyed some fine writing from your friends, as well!! It is important to be aware of your boundaries and set them accordingly when they are breached....

  12. Thanks, Max. You know it's one thing to take issue with me, but to bully the people who support this blog and try to intimidate them and then follow me to an innocent person's completely unrelated blog post and escalate things is really just pushing it too far.

  13. Hey Zilla, tell us how you really feel. ;) Good rant.

  14. Yeah, saw that , "moby" indeed !

    And now that I think about it, his conservative creds were always in question w/ me !

  15. Thanks, Jim! I greatly appreciate your support and friendship. Would you beleive he escalated it even further after this post? He continued to troll me in the comments thread of another writer's blog in a post completely unrelated to any of this and then cherry-picked comments from those who he trolled here and pasted them there as if that would further his cause! The adminstrator of that blog ended up deleting his unhinged and irrelevant comments to me, so then he went and devoted a blog post at his place to bitch about me, of course painting himself as a victim. here is my response to that bit of nonsense:

  16. Yeah, it was Yukio, and after the initial harassment at that completely unrelated blog he even escalated it, harassing me more there and then dedicated a blog post to bitching about me at his place. Here is my reply:
    Fricken Moby Dhimmi

  17. Yeah, I think I can guess who as well......very intelligent, obviously well educated, but missed out on the most important feature of brain power and communication, that thing we call COMMON SENSE !! He must have been a debate team champion......but fails to realize, "Hey dude, you`re wearing it out, and your welcome with it !" I can`t understand why some people want to pick a nit until there is barely any memory of the nit being picked. It amounts to argument for the sake of argument ! Bore me to tears, would ya ?!

    So yes MareZillaMJ, it IS your blog, run it your way, I`ll be here !!

    Much love, Jim
