Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Stand With the Righteous

I honestly don't understand why Rick Santorum isn't getting more coverage in the right blogosphere when he is on the right (as in correct) side of all the important issues and he has a strong record to prove it. Perhaps it's because of the awful and disgusting abuse he's been subjected to by far left radicals, I mean you can't do a web search for information about him without seeing the most vile explicit filth at the top of the results thanks to the efforts of cyber bullying creep Dan Savage and his merry band of Google-bombing cretins. Which begs the question for Conservatives, what is going to determine who you support to run against Obama; competence, righteousness and experience, or hardcore leftist jackals?

Why is it that I found the strongest denouncement of the vicious attack against Rick Santorum comes from a liberal progressive who would never ever support Rick Santorum, but recognizes how crude and dehumanizing that attack is? Where are the Conservatives? I don't see a whole lot of folks talking about him, much less defending him from the unfair hostile aggression that has been used to destroy his very name. 

Let's have a look at who is behind that awful degradation campaign, shall we? via Florida Squeezed:
First, let’s start out with the possibly the most neglected hypocrite of them all: Dan Savage… Yes, I’m talking about the “It Gets Better” guy…

You see, It Gets Better aims to foster warm-fuzzy feelings not in the bullying victims themselves, but rather the people who made the videos. Sadly, the videos made by concerned citizens are largely ignored on YouTube while everyone really only cares to hear from their favorite celebrity… However well intentioned it was to start, it’s becoming a PR tool to tap into the gay market. But the irony of this movement is that Dan Savage himself is a cyber-bully.

There. I said it.

Was he not the person who designed the nauseatingly vulgar and intentionally humiliating website which attacks a Catholic Republican candidate named Rick Santorum? This action fits squarely within every definition of cyber-bullying on Wikipedia. So what is Dan Savage REALLY teaching kids about bullies? If you can’t beat them, join them?
That would be the very same Dan Savage "It's Gets Better" guy who Obama has teamed up with and made a video for, by the way. This is an attack on our entire society. Imagine your child going online to learn about presidential candidates, perhaps for a school report, and they see that explicit and despicable reference right at the very top of the results page in any major search engine they use.

Rick Santorum is a deeply principled and moral man, he stands strong for what he believes is right and never waivers. He's a decent man who has been unfairly victimized by cyber bully thugs and he deserves better. He needs to get some tech savvy people on his campaign team, badly. He also needs to get moderators to control the trolls on his facebook page (as do the people who've made pages on facebook supporting him). We can help too, and we should, by learning more about him and by posting stuff about him to our social networks and blogs that has correct information about how he fights for the issues that are important to us. I have carefully looked at the other candidates, and Rick Santorum best represents my own feelings on the issues most important to me: border security and stemming the flood of criminal alien invaders, peace through strength foreign policies and honestly recognizing the dire threat of islamonazism so it can be dealt with appropriately - he is also a very strong supporter of Israel. Conservatives will do a disservice to themselves and America by not paying attention to what this man has to say and by not stepping up and defending a decent human being who has been horribly defamed.

I watched the CNN debate in New Hampshire and thought that Rick Santorum did a great job, I was surprised to see him barely mentioned in TV discussions about the debate or out in the blogs. I had intended for this post to be entirely different, I wanted to tell you all about why I feel Rick Santorum is the best choice for the GOP nomination, but as I researched to write this article, I kept coming across horrible, disgusting, immoral, degrading, dehumanizing, agitprop from the CRAPTASTIC attack machine and couldn't ignore it because it is just so very wrong and flat out evil. 

I will be writing more about Rick Santorum in the very near future, in the mean time, please check out my previous post about him HERE. You will also find a wealth of information at Lisa Graas's blog. Also, be sure to use the correct link to visit his website, HERE. That's http://www.ricksantorum.com/index.php - be sure to only use that address for his official website, similarly named websites are attack sites filled with obscene vulgar filth designed to sabotage Rick Santorum and irreparably destroy his name.

Note for the hate filled trolls that I see on nearly every site that talks about Rick Santorum, your garbage won't be tolerated here so you'll be wasting your time if you think you're going to be able to abuse my comments section with your cruelty.

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  1. No it's not. It makes me really sad that people, regardless of their political ideology, would think that doing this is OK. Every facebook page (except for mine which I keep 100% troll-free) that supports him is overflowing with hate spammers who flood the pages with links to the awful defamation sites whose sole existence is to destroy the man's name. And nobody does anything about it.

  2. Honestly, Mare - I  had no idea who this Dan Savage person is.  His name keeps popping up here and there and so I just read his Wikipedia thingy.  My troll (until I finally got smart and cut off anon comments - what took me so long???) kept posting the Savage definition of "Santorum" - truly cringe inducing!!

    I personally think the majority of peeps in this country are like moi and have no idea of who he is (which is a homosexual  lapsed Catholic - bad combo IMO)

    The fact that this Savage person is  allowed to go into schools to talk about bullying is ridiculous. 

    I like to remember that people are known by their enemies - ourselves included.  To be attacked by the likes of a Dan Savage should be considered a feather in one's cap. 

  3. I just find it horrifying that innocent people are being victimized, not only Rick Santorum and his family but anyone who has a child interested in American politics cannot allow their kids to do research online because we're not able to protect them from the vile sexually explicit inundation they will be subject to thanks to hateful vicious jackals. If this was done to Sarah Palin or Obama (imagine that) people would be screaming from the rooftops and rightly so, but it happens to a Catholic man and .

    As far as trolls, I IP ban them from here. I also run a large right wingy political page on facebook that would be a target for trolls, but it is 100% troll free because I ban them immediately.

  4. I HATE hate. It`s just too hateful !

  5. Until MJ posted on Rick, I didn`t know much about him. I`d hear or read about something he`d done; if honest reporting, it sounded good; if not, then it was all snarky stuff. MJ`s report was refreshing, incl. his own words (best part), and turned on a bright INCANDESCENT light ! I like him a lot; and since he said a while back that he`d be interested in the VP slot, I paired him up with Herman Cain, who BTW, is in my mind the perfect anti-Obama candidate - black, a natural born citizen, christian and conservative, honest and economically experienced.

    Sounds like an unbeatable team to me !

    Rick could be great as VP by being a really good Senate Pres., a vocal (not dismissable figure-head) VP helping to guide policy from his politically inexperienced Pres. partner.  I like them both ! Good pairing !

    MJ introduced me to both of them, along w/ Allen West (still says no - he`s needed where he is). 3 for 3 !

  6. I think he's the best choice for POTUS, but think Cain would spank Obama harder in an election while Rick would decimate Obama in a debate. i could live with him as VP to Cain, he'd be like a Cheney VP, not just a figure head but a guy who is actually helping to keep America safe and get us back to rights. And yeah, he's be a hell of a leader for the Senate, unlike Gaffes Biden.

  7. Zilla/MJ,

    Like Cain and Santorum. Also Bachmann and Pawlenty. We have some GOOD choices to vote FOR, not merely AGAINST the Left. The RNC needs to run our primaries as CLOSED, in order to keep the Left out of them and getting some weak-sister like Romney in there, like McShamnesty did.

    If the GOP works it right, we can dominate for the next 16 years and get this country back on the right track.

    Gunny G

  8. I hate no one, but there are a lot of people and ideologies who / that I dislike with a purple passion !

    Remember GOD`s greatest commandment !

  9. I`m with you right up to Pawlenty. He has more `splainin` to do. Being the gvnr of a very blue state is one thing, but falling for AGW and Crap n Raid in the first place...........what else might he fall for ? And isn`t / hasn`t he been weak on illegal alien / border security issues ?

    And then there`s Michelle Bachmann who I admire above most women. Why can`t she get bills passed - bills that to me, seem good ? And second, why has the RNC had her among their candidates for so long (she only declared 2 days ago) ? The vast majority of the RNC`s list are RINO`s ! Not disqualifiers, but questions that cause Hmmmm moments !

    And Gunny, thank you for your service !

  10. I like his social views, but he is too pro war for me.

  11.  deeply principled is such a rarity Zilla!  happy Wednesday~!:)

  12. I'm from PA.  While I appreciated his efforts for the unborn, he made too many deals, and was part of the GOP Congress that screwed up so bad that we got Pelosi and Reid.  Been there, done that, not going back again.  

  13. I`ll take your word for it, since you were there . What do you think then of Cain / Bachmann ? (from those who`ve declared) Or, do you prefer another pairing ?

  14. The media has done a Palinization of Santorum.  The left will always tell us who they fear.  Never mind the facts.

    Now if the right practiced such underhanded tactics the screams from the left would be non-stop.  Fortunately the right doesn't do such things since we generally act like adults and don't stoop to those levels.

    The howls from the left will get worse as we get closer to chosing our candidates.  This time we MUST choose our team.  Not like last time.

  15. Hardnox,

    Some of us realized what was happening last time as the media chose McShamnesty for us and we`re watching Romney get the favored treatment this time. I guess they know not to call Rombama all "mavericky" and say out loud this time that they like him for his "across the aisle reaching". Being more subtle now.

  16. I try to avoid that whole hate thing too, it screws up your insides.

  17. I do believe we have a good field, hell even Newt looked good in the debate! T-Paw isn't terrible, but that whole sharia banking thing happened in his watch, although he stopped it when he found out, how did it happen in the first place? A governor should know about that sort of thing IMHO.

  18. You gotta check out Gunny's blog, SPG, you'll like it a lot! http://theantiliberalzone.blogspot.com/

  19. I like his strength against our enemies, I admire his dedication to his morals, but I'm not a huge social issues person, I'm most concerned about islam and criminal alien invaders.  Those pose the biggest threat to our safety.

  20. Yes it is, and a happy Wednesday to you too, Angel!

  21. I was never a Palin fan, but seeing how she's risen above every damned thing the left has thrown at her and come out better on the other end of it, I am kind of hoping she'll jump in at the last minute, I think she could win and it would be fun to watch all the prog heads explode. 
    What I want most from a POTUS is to not be a wimp on the world stage and to call things what they are, we can't survive if we refuse to name our enemy who is tirelessly plotting to kill us all.

  22.  We need someone who is STRONG on foreign policy, and I don't think either of those two really are. I could live with Newt as a Veep, actually, now that I've listened to him. Never for POTUS though, he couldn't win.

  23. GW's compassionate conservative reaching across the aisle crap got him nothing more that a kick in the teeth from the left on EVERY issue.  GW was a nice guy and accommodated the left when they had their hissy fits.  GW had both houses of congress and he blew it.  That was was got us Obama.  Bush got suckered by the left.

    My idea of reaching across the aisle is grabbing someone's necktie!  Screw them.  We owe them nothing.  They have shit the bed on every issue and have acted like spoiled children the whole time that they were in control.  Now they whine again like children and want four more years of this moron.

    The left hasn't learned a damn thing from November 2010.  We will give them a refresher November 2012.

  24. Romney is nothing more than an 8 x 10 glossy professional politician.  He's not a conservative and does not need apply.

  25. Bookmarked and saved. You`re right of course ! Thanks .

  26. Rhymes with / looks like a commie. Such a nice guy....such a waste !

  27. I`ve lost count ! ;-)

  28. Great post.  Dan Savage is a creep with an unhealthy obsession with former PA Senator.

  29. The media and GOP establishment are already working to pick our candidate for us as they did with McCain in 2008.

    Can you hear the drumbeat? Romney, Romney, Romney

  30. I've got nothing at all against Santorum...I just personally think Cain or Bachmann (perhaps even Perry if he decides to enter the race) would be a better choice.   I'm looking forward to your future posts on Santorum because I'm curious why he rose to the top of your list. 

  31.  Hell the media chose GWB for the GOP in 2000, in NY we weren't even allowed to vote for anyone else in the primary! If we had a strong Conservative (God Bless Bush but he was real squishy on a lot of things) back then, I wonder how different things might be today? Bush sort of gave us freaking Obama.
