Monday, September 12, 2011

Another Catholic Murdered

A young Catholic man on a pilgrimage to the shrine of the Virgin Mary in "The City of Mary", Pakistan, was brutally murdered. Another victim of the Anti-Christian Jihad.
Via Asia News (h/t TROP):
Sunil Masih, 25, left the group travelling to Mariamabad and never returned. The corpse showed signs of injury. Police deny possibility of his being run over by a truck. Identity of the perpetrators of the murder still unknown. The pain of the family, who lost their only son.

Mariamabad (AsiaNews) - Sunil Masih, a 25 year old Pakistani Christian, was kidnapped and killed as he walked on a pilgrimage to the shrine of the Virgin Mary in Mariamabad, the "city of Mary," in the province of Punjab. The Pakistan Christian Post (PCP) reports that during the journey the young man left the group for a few minutes, heading for the fields for physiological needs, and his body was found shortly after, with visible signs of injuries (see photo). The boy was run over by a truck, to make it appear an accident. However, police investigating the body and the dynamics of episode, strongly deny the possibility of it being an accident.

Sunil Masih was an only child and sole source of income for the family, because his father suffers from serious kidney problems. At the news of the death of the young man, the mother fainted from the pain. Human rights activists and Pakistani Christians denounce repeated deaths, thefts and robberies perpetrated against the religious minority. They demand greater protection from police and government authorities. Read the rest HERE
There is no refuge from the relentless genocidal islamic anti-Christian jihad holocaust. 


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  1. Other than fervent prayer, what can we do when governments won`t protect their own citizens ? We need to realize that Pakistan is NOT our friend. We are at war with satanic forces, islam, and there can be no quarter given !

  2. What is really sad, is that Pakistan wasn't always LIKE this! But just like Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Lebanon and so many others, it has fallen into evil by embracing islamonazis. Even muslims get victimized by this evil, when they are deemed 'not muslim enough' or if they dare speak out against the evil perpetrated for islam. 

  3. and no mention of this in the media Zilla..arg!!!

  4. But if a mohamadeen was killed by a Christian or Jew on his way to mecca, every front page, tv and "news" website would be screaming about 'intolerance'!
    Thank you for reading & stopping by, Angel. I know few others will. As you can see in the links posted above, I have written extensively about the holocaust of Christians at the hands of islam, but they are my least read, least commented to, least shared, and least linked to posts! Hardly anybody cares at all and it is really discouraging. I will keep speaking up for my persecuted brothers & sisters though, because SOMEBODY has to!

  5. Thank goodness you bloggers are doing your part in making us aware of what's going on.  We also have to elect politicians who know what these people really represent - evil!

  6. This is so sad.  The media's silence is media malpractice.  These anti-Christian Jihadists need to be stopped.  

  7. Yes they do. But you know, when I post on the topic, it kills my traffic.
    Hardly anybody cares, not even our fellow conservatives. :(
