Friday, March 18, 2011

I Saw What You Did (rant alert - Friday open thread in comments)

I saw you, lady in the white coat with the purple ruffly shirt and stringy black hair at the Lagrange, NY A&P today. Yes, I saw what you did, but more importantly, the All Mighty saw you too.

I saw you as I walked into the store, there you were in the produce section stuffing your face with strawberries that you had no intention of paying for. I saw you walk away and leave the container open that you raided, so some poor schmuck could pay for a half eaten pound of berries but get charged full price. My kids like strawberries too, they ask for them all the time but I couldn't buy them today because I can't afford them, and unlike you, I don't steal. I did tell the guy working in that section what you'd done so he could pull your leftovers off the shelf before some honest person wouldn't get ripped off due to your thievery, but otherwise I wasn't going to make a fuss, figuring maybe you were poor like me and hungry (even though I could be passing out from starvation and still wouldn't steal).

Then I saw you buy a whole cartload of stuff that you had no problem paying for, but I noticed there were no strawberries being purchased. But the what really ticked me off more than you could possibly imagine with your tiny rat like brain was when I saw you buy twenty dollars in lottery tickets with your debit card AND get a wad of bills in cash-back. You bitch. You can bet your criminal ass that every single manager of that store now knows to watch for you, shoplifter, and you can also count on being LOUDLY brought to the attention of everyone in earshot the next time I see you stealing.

I struggle to keep food on the table, sometimes I go hungry to make sure that everyone else has enough food in my house. I forgo luxuries that most women take for granted - my shoes have holes in them, I don't get manicures, my hair only gets cut every 2 or 3 years, and I have a bad tooth which needs to be removed that has been bad for nearly a year (can't afford a dentist) - and it freaking HURTS - but I deal with it because I know that as bad as I may have it, there are others who have far it worse and I remember my blessings. Then I see someone like YOU - stealing things that you clearly could have paid for and it is salt in a wound.

I can barely afford groceries and the price of food goes up every stinking day, and then there are low life thieves like you who increase the overhead costs of my supermarket which gets passed along to all the HONEST people who shop there. Sure it may just be a couple of berries today, I don't know, nobody checked your pockets, but my kids would have LOVED to have those berries and I couldn't buy them because they were too expensive for me and unlike you, I don't steal.

Of course I am not the only one who saw you, God saw you too, and you may think pilfering a little produce is a small thing, but a sin is a sin is a sin and those little ones add up. I know it's wrong for me to wish any ill on you, but I can't help but hope that you'll be visited with some sort of cosmic justice. And I swear, if I see on the news that you won the lottery with those tickets you bought today (with money that could have been spent in part on what you STOLE) someone is going to have to restrain and sedate me.

[end rant]

You all may use the comments section below for open thread; feel free to share links to your own blog posts or other stuff that you'd like me and our fellow Resistors to see.I'll be back after I have a chance to cool off.

UPDATE: Linked at Adrienne's Corner. Thanks, Adrienne!


  1. She sounds like the poster child for the entitlement society. She probably sides with the Wisconsin teacher's Union (er, Goonion). If the Democrats ever create the "Me" Party to challenge the Tea Party, she'd be a chapter president.

  2. Thanks! It's nice to meet you too, you've got a great blog - it's been in my blogroll for a while. :)

  3. Hi Zilla, thanks for your comment on my blog. I've added you to my blog roll. It is great to meet you.

  4. At least I managed to leave out the f-bombs. ;)

  5. Now tell us how you really feel. ;)

  6. I wonder who these people think absorbs the cost of their unfunded indulgence? Drives me crazy!

  7. yeah, she didn't think she was doing the opened cookie packages I see hidden in the bread aisle, or the opened packs of candies stuck in the pet food aisle.


  8. Yeah, nobody has cameras anymore, it's all in the phone! ;)

  9. If I see something like that again, you can be sure that I'll be taking pics. Maybe even post them here. Ha ha ha.

  10. And it was an ill fitting ruffly shirt. LOL She was pretty dumpy looking. Like Helen Thomas, the ugly on the inside oozed straight through to the outside.

  11. Yeah, Max, I'm surprised you didn't sign up for the comment thingy under the name MaxPower!

  12. She probably felt "entitled" to those berries, tiny rat like brains think that way.

  13. If she was on EBT, those strawberries could have been paid for. I noticed she'd bought oranges. She didn't need EBT since she used a debit card and get a big stack of cashback when she bought all those lottery tickets. I swear, Ute, if I find out in the local paper that she won with those things, you are going have to come over here, hold me down and throw tranquilizers down my throat! Make sure there's gas in your car. LOL

  14. When we had 2 cars I cold go to Stop & Shop, & Hannaford's too, to get the best bargains, but while hubby's car is down & he's using mine, I can only get it for the quick trip down the road to the A&P after he gets home from work. Hopefully he'll be able to sell some of the things he's fixed that are in the garage so he can get that new transmission. Then I can go back to shopping at the cheapest places and hitting more than one store to get the best prices. Although the nearly $4/gal for gas may keep me limited even when I do get a car again.

  15. Don't let people like this drive you crazy, MJ. It all becomes a full-time job after a while, if you let it.

  16. Hey, Wirecutter, thanks for stopping by! I'm fine with not doing bad things simply because they are bad things to do, but this just REALLY made me mad. I bet she votes Democrat too. It's that whole entitlement mentality.

  17. It's not easy keeping to the high road, is it?
