Monday, March 21, 2011

"Party Animal Moms" to be Given Own Reality TV Show

A Company which makes "reality TV" programs is casting for moms who are club hopping booze swilling party animals. They want women who out party their young adult daughters or who (like Lindsey Lohan's mom) party with them.

Via Fox News:
FOX411’s Pop Tarts has learned that 495 Productions -- the company responsible for bringing to life “Jersey Shore,” “Tool Academy” and “Shot At Love” -- is teaming up with Doron Ofir Casting to find the craziest and most compelling mom and daughter duos from all over the country for the first-ever reality TV series of its kind.
“She's the talk of the town, the queen of the night, she beats the beat and leaves no bottle left unopened,” reads the casting notice, which will be in operation for the next few weeks. “She is the total party animal... and she's your mom!”
Sounds kind of like Janice Dickinson. And the hotter mama is, the better.
“Do your guy friends hit on your mom? Do you have to sneak out to parties so she doesn't tag along? Does she rock a mini skirt and shamelessly dare to bare? Whether you love your mom's wild ways or hate her too-hot-to-handle behavior, we want to hear from you,” the brief continues. “Whether you party together, take turns taking care of one another, or avoid each other out of embarrassment, this is your opportunity to let it all out!”
In a similar vein to “Jersey Shore,” we’re told the chosen moms and daughters will be transported to an exotic location and followed around by a camera crew in order to catch their jaw-dropping, party-lovin’ antics. 
Just one catch – the wild mothers won’t immediately know that they’ve been set up by their offspring.
I hope that the point of the show will be to reveal to these women what horrible people they are and how they've failed as mothers, perhaps ending with some sort of intervention, but somehow I doubt it. Sure, they're looking for mothers of young women over 18, but often, there are younger children in the family also who have to witness drunk mom's embarrassing antics while their basic needs go unmet.

I used to be a bartender, many years ago (long before I became a mom) and I used to see lots of female barflies who had young children, sometimes the kids were in the custody of their fathers, but mostly they were left at home with whoever while these women partied, and very often it wasn't just alcohol being consumed either. I can't imagine how hard it must be on a kid to watch mom stagger through the door, plastered, in the middle of the night, if she comes home at all, or having to tip-toe around a hungover mother the next day.

I find it sad to think that these irresponsible women may be finding themselves and their abhorrent behavior encouraged for TV ratings. Drunk moms are becoming a huge problem in our society, and the damage they create in their wake isn't limited to themselves or their own poor children. In 2009, a drunken mother who was also high on pot got onto the Taconic Parkway here in NY going in the wrong direction - she had a car full of children - when she slammed into another vehicle. She killed 8 people, including herself, her daughter and her 3 young nieces along with three men in the other vehicle. Sadly, this sort of thing is becoming almost common place, every few weeks there's news of another drunk mom pulled over or wrecking her car with her children inside.

Even when these women stay at home to do their partying, they are dangerous. Pundette has a post up about a woman whose 20 month old child was found drunk, staggering around in a parking lot, while her 4 month old infant nearly strangled, unattended, in some bed sheets - mom was passed out drunk and her toddler had gotten into the remnants of her beverage. Read it here.

Is this all a side effect of the devaluing of the traditional role of motherhood? Or another new "redefinition" of motherhood, not unlike the women who our media has recently glorified for abandoning their young children to achieve moonbat "self-fulfillment"?

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Your children are only young for a very short time, the most important thing you can possibly do right now is to take care of them, love them and be around. There is time for your own self-interest after they are grown, even if what you choose to do is destroy yourself. Don't ruin their childhood just so you can indulge in your own extended adolescence. Grow up and BE the parent!

UPDATE: This post is listed in "Today's recommended reads" at Pundit & Pundette. Thanks, P&P!


  1. That's why we're supposed to turn a blind eye to the horrors and oppression committed for Al & Mo too.

  2. Thank you, Justin. I agree, we are fighting for the very survival of our civilization, and the strength of American families is crucial to that preservation.

  3. Amen, sister! This is one of the primary reasons that Conservatives can't simply abandon the social issues/culture war.

  4. Excellent point, Yukio. I hope you're right about it not really being accepted. I'm disturbed by the way celebrity debauchery is accepted and promoted as well.

  5. Yeah... but how much acceptance is there really?

    I think watch these shows in a way that's akin to the way people watched freak shows in the past. I don't think there's a great deal of acceptance to this kind of behavior these shows depict. It's exploited (I suppose there could be some glorification in that process) and at times emulated by kids (which is bothersome but most grow out of it or drop it when confronted with it), but not really accepted by the majority of people.

    I find the glorification and license of celebrities more troublesome. There was a time when sex tapes ruined careers, and weren't their big breaks.

  6. No, I suppose slutty drunken moms aren't new, but societal acceptance and even glorification of them seems pretty recent if you ask me.

  7. Is what you're describing really a recent phenomenon? I don't think it is. The specifics may be a different depnding on thetime period and society , but bad parenting isn't anything new.

    "Why do these women remain selfish and juvenile instead of realizing the importance of being a responsible mother?"

    Who knows all the reasons? Yet, in my experience the answer often has to do with alcohol and/or drugs.

  8. I'll settle for libs impeaching Obama. :)

  9. I'd rather see libs in a ring, hacking one another with swords, while we cheered!

  10. I'm going to wait with "baited breath" to see that. NOT

  11. I think so, and not just motherhood, look at how our society has changed its view of fatherhood over the years as well. I think the best we can do is try to lead by example and try to keep our kids away from that kind of junk on TV as much as possible or at least be there for them to explain why its wrong.

  12. You're probably right, much of what's on "reality TV" is all about the T&A, it's an easy way to get people to watch. But I don't think it hurts to ask the questions I did. Why do these women remain selfish and juvenile instead of realizing the importance of being a responsible mother? Could our culture have anything to do with it?

  13. The eternal optimist in me holds a slim hope that the "surprise" element of the show (moms won't know that they are on TV as it films, supposedly) will be an intervention where these women are made to see how damaging their behavior is to their families and how ridiculous they look and are urged to get help. I know, not likely, but perhaps some of these people WILL see how bad they look and opt to do something about it.

    I guess I'm not in a position to slam the producers, since I'm writing about it (the producers of the show retweeted my tweet about this post! LOL) I'm giving the concept publicity, even if it's negative.

    As long as there is an audience for this kind of thing, they will continue to make these shows. I don't watch them and neither do my kids. We vote with our remote.

  14. I believe that these reality shows do a lot to inure people, particularly young people. to morality.

    "Redefining motherhood" is a non-starter. Motherhood -- true motherhood -- goes back to time immemorial. The changing of the role of mothers goes a great deal to explain why young people have so many problems today.

  15. Oh, come now. Some good can up out of this. Maybe one of the moms will write a book on parenting. Or maybe MTV will pay for those breast implants that she's always wanted...

    So it's worse to present immorality then to take part in it? Interesting concept. Is it really worse, or is it just more offensive to you?

    If...if ...if... And if everybody behaved responsibly and ethically, then there would be no need for government or laws. And if the world was made of candy then we'd all have dessert every night.

    No matter how many "ifs"you use, the world isn't going to be the way you want it to be.

  16. While these mothers may not have the best values it is even worse for our culture or the TV shows to make money off of and promote their immorality as if their values were good. There is more of a possibility for these women to get their lives back on track without being in the spotlight, and more likely their will be a downward spiral if these women are in the spotlight. There is no need for our government to pass laws. If parents acted responsibly and society didn't reinforce a$$ backwards values then there wouldn't be near as much irresponsibility and immorality in this world.

  17. I don't think this has much to do with the "devaluing of the traditional role of motherhood" MJ. It has a lot to do with these women not growing up and being selfish. And of course all of it being exploited by MTV (the 495 Productions' shows mentioned were MTV) for cheap T&A ratings.

  18. Stay at home and teach their kids good moral values?! Ha Ha. Don't you have to have good moral values in order to teach them? I'm sure if it wasn't for this show these women would be at home reading the Bible by the fireplace.

    And taking advantage of these poor, naive, publicity-seeking Dina Lohan wanna-bes? Seriously?

    Oh when, oh when will the govt. to pass laws to protect these publicity seekers?

  19. Yeah, in real life you don't get the ugly or boring parts edited out. LOL

  20. OMG! Well said - and I agree!! While relity TV shows are funny/stupid (I will be honest and say I watch one or two Biggest Loser.) they are NOT reality. If they were, my question would be "why woul you do that?" Why would you want your families "dirty laundry" aired for the entire breathing population to know about?? That was always my question about talk shows such as Jerry Springer - which are sort of the for-runners of the reality shows. I mean they garner sky-high ratings (and therefore big money) showing peoples bad decisions, questionable judgement and sometimes pain & suffering. It just seems wrong to "make a buck" that way is wrong - I like money, absolutely. But do I want to make millions off of and help to facilitate, other peoples disordered lives...NO! I don't think reality TV is all bad, just a lot of it. But none of it is real life, we must remember that.

  21. Well the thing is, these women think they are somehow entitled to get lit up, their wants trump their children's needs. I agree that it's a sad society that will use the dysfunction of these people to get ratings, even sadder still that many folks will eagerly watch that kind of stuff.

  22. Aside for, American Idol which I don't watch as much as I used to, I really don't know anything about most of those reality shows and the people on the glossies at the supermarket checkout are largely a bunch of unknowns to me.

  23. I can't stand how our culture thinks its okay to take advantage of these women just to get high ratings. These women may need some counseling or they might just need to stay home and spend time with their kids so their children are taught good moral values.

  24. Mare, I'd like to say "What's 'Jersey Shore'?" but I have a vague idea. Very proud I've never seen it. No Kardashians allowed in my house, either. It's highly amusing to see these people on mag covers and I've never seen them on TV, and that's the way I like it. ;-)

  25. Sub, Fox isn't making that awful show, they just reported on it at their news site. The show is being made by the same people who made Jersey Shore (not Fox). Here's who's casting it:

  26. I grew up with parents who thought alcohol was more important than groceries. It's not the way parents should act! Leave it to FOX to bring out yet another irresponsible, family degrading program!

  27. I agree completely, Peg. It really turns my stomach and horrifies me.

  28. I thought I had heard it all but NO. Good grief, this is repellent stuff (not your writing, your subject)! I simply detest reality shows of any kind but particularly any that glorify the dregs and dysfunctional catastrophes of society. The devaluation of marriage, motherhood and women in general is the cause, and lefty policies and agendas brought all of this about. It is not the norm where people grow up respecting themselves and others. These moms and all others like them are just sick and sad and wrong, and what they do to their kids is gross abuse.

  29. I wonder if there would be an audience for a show about parents who actually do the right stuff for their families?

  30. It is never ok to put your self far above the basic needs of your children. Your whims and wishes really should take a back seat when you choose to bring a child into this world.

    I hate shows like this... or that one about the young moms who show most in a horrid light.... because it isn't teaching the right lessons. It isn't teaching kids not to make those mistakes, it's not teaching adults that not all young parents are horrid.... *sigh* ....

  31. i love partying with my 20 years old. so what?
