Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I Stand With Israel

I stand with Israel, always.

On his TV show, Glenn Beck laid out quite clearly why he stands with Israel, and why all Americans should too (H/T Atlas Shrugs):

What a pity that Obama, the treasonous anti-American pro-jihadi who is currently engaged in sending our troops to aid Al Qaeda in Libya, stands virulently opposed to Israel (and in favor of her enemies, who also happen to be the enemies of America and the entirety of Western Civilization).


  1. Very bold...just what I've come to expect from Beck. While I'm not sure that Israel has been entirely innocent over the years, given the events unfolding right now...what choice do we really have? Beck is right. Israel is flawed...but there's a big difference between "flawed" and "beheading people in the streets" or "raising terrorist bombers as a matter of state policy." There's really no moral equivalence here...and the fact that our current administration seems not to realize that obvious truth is...disturbing...to say the least.

  2. Just about everything Obama does is a sign of treason.

  3. That's not what you said though.

    You wrote: "What a pity that Obama, the treasonous anti-American pro-jihadi who is currently engaged in sending our troops to aid Al Qaeda in Libya..."

    The suggestion being that Obama is helping Al Qaeda, rather than attempting to oust Khadaffi or Qadafi or whatever. The US helped bin Laden when he was fighting the Soviets. War makes strange bedfellows, and having ugly allies is not a sign of treason.

  4. Welcome back, I've missed you! I pulled the post about the bus incident, I saved it but decided not to leave it up in case there's an investigation so my words won't get twisted.
    Back on topic, every single action taken by the 0 administration reveals a deep seated hatred for the Israeli and American people along with an affinity for the common enemies of these countries. How much treason do we have to put up with before someone gets the courage to impeach the bastard? Here's a post I don't want you to miss: http://zillablog.marezilla.com/2011/03/barrys-sympathy-for-evil.html
    I am truly honored that you came here first. I'll try not to let Doug find out. ;)

  5. Hey honey, I`m home !
    `Puter`s been in the hospital gettin` a new hard drive......thought I`d go nuts ! It`s been so lonely out here !

    Glad to see you stand with Israel - me too ! This is just too crazy !

    Glad to see you used your head instead of a bat on the bus driver........haven`t read that story yet- saw the story alert in my e-mail.......just got up and running 2 hours ago......

    (lean close so I can whisper) I came here FIRST !!

    More later !

  6. I wouldn't know what Sarah Palin has to say about it, I'm not a fan. I'm going with actual reports I've read about the rebel's ties to al qaeda and the fact that the rebels themselves have admitted to fighting against the United States in Iraq and Afghanistan.

  7. No, I didn't retaliate, can't afford bail. She's been pulled off my kid's route.

  8. Aiding Al Qaeda against Khadafi? Sorry, but I don't buy that line of reasoning.

    Was Palin suggesting that the US aid Libyan rebels to help Al Qaeda too?

  9. Whew! Glad to see you posting. I was afraid you might be in jail for beating the piss out of the school bus driver. ;-)
