Friday, April 1, 2011

One Constitutional Crisis After Another - Impeach Obama - Video

I've got about 50 tabs open in my Opera browser trying to keep up with Obama's Libyan lunacy, hopefully I'll get it put together in a post for you all soon. In the mean time, here's a little video I came across that explains why Obama should be impeached. Enjoy!

Feel free to use the comments section below as an open thread. What's on your mind today?

Linked at Always On Watch and Infidel Bloggers Alliance. Thanks! 
Linked at teresamerica. Thank you!


  1. Well talking to Congress would have interfered with his Brazilian vacation where he promised to use US tax dollars to help THEM drill for oil that he promised to use our money to buy while at the same time preventing us from drilling for our own oil.

  2. He had plenty of time to get approval from the UN, yet made no attempt to get approval from Congress.

  3. That's a great post, Mike, thanks for sharing it with me, I'll be including it in the roundup I am working on.

  4. A friend has an article on censuring the President by Congress.

  5. A strange and rare case of, "More is Less" !

    I can just see the little British kid, nervous but daring, holding up his porridge bowl, asking the master, "Excuse me sir, may I have some less, please ?"

  6. I'm with you on not enjoying a meal since this joker took office.

  7. Video linked at my site and Infidel Bloggers Alliance -- with a hat tip to you, of course.

  8. The more that is learned about these people, the less answers we have and the more it becomes clear that we are screwed with them as out POTUS & FLOTUS.

  9. I haven't enjoyed a meal since January 2009, especially now that food is almost entirely unaffordable. What a freaking nightmare this administration is.

  10. FYI, from, Michelle Obama and Barry Soreteoro/Soetoro, aka: Barrack Hussein Obama both requested Court Ordered "Voluntary Inactive" law license status. No reason given for these requests, but they were both listed as "non-disciplinary" actions. MORE things to make us go, "Hmmmmmmm !"

  11. The man's an unconstitutional lawyer and an unconstitutional President.

  12. The video demonstrates Barry Soebamatoro`s selective belief and understanding of the constitution which brings up the question of his becoming a constitutional law speaker. Did he choose this field as a way to work around the laws of our land ? I suspect so...and I see this last move as just one more in a long line of impeachable offenses !

    I almost didn`t watch the vid for fear it would ruin my lasagna !

    Software reloading continues.......some of the upgraded versions really sparkle !

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