Datechguy explains that the #occupy mobs raked in tens of thousands of dollars from liberals, just so that they could squat in parks (often enjoying gourmet food, at least in NYC anyway) and publicly defecate while wailing about how unfair their lives are, but Conservative Bloggers (who exposed all the #occupy crimes and depravity that the media tried to bury) can barely pay their bills. Hell, I can't even buy a can of fricken coffee right now and traffic here is at an all time high!
Is conservative new media worth as much as the occupods? (excerpt):
I must admit I’m a bit jealous of the occupods in one respect when I see this post at Don Surber’s blog.Pamela Geller sees the problem as well (and the among all of the other amazing things she does in the fight to preserve our freedom from islamotyranny, she also works to help young women in danger of being "honor killed" by their families and has saved people's lives - Pamela has a button at Atlas Shrugs where you can donate to support her work, BTW):
Somehow, they were able to spend a few months in the fall camping out and protesting against the working class while not working themselves.I don’t begrudge anyone what they already have, if they are rich enough to hand out then that’s fine. My jealously is based on how, well their friends on the left (and in the unions until the useful idiots were no longer useful) managed to kick in to keep them in tents, food and protests for two months. The tens of thousands of dollars that occupy New York, Occupy Oakland and occupy Portland (before their 20 grand was stolen) came from somewhere.
They are in that upper 1% who do not have to work.
The left makes an effort to keep those who fight their battles supplied and ready to fight. On the right it is a bit leaner. Consider when New York Magazine mentioned Mitt Romney raised over 10 million in under 8 hours what Stacy McCain wrote:
we are struck by the sharp contrast between how George Soros employs his wealth — to build a media infrastructure for advancing his broad political agenda — and how wealthy Republicans spend their own money: To advance the narrow personal ambition of Mitt Romney.And lets remember when Jimmie Bize crunched the numbers further based on not even Mitt’s 10.3 million or Herman Cain’s 7 million sitting in the bank but on Charlie Crist’s 4.3 million dollar quarter from 2010:
Why are rich Republicans so clueless? They are shoveling money at a candidate who suffers tepid support among the GOP grassroots and is therefore unlikely to win the nomination.
Do you know how much good reporting we could get with a budget of just $500,000 a year? Think about it. Play with the numbers. You think I couldn’t land Vadum and McCain for 70 grand a year, plus add in Ace and Moe Lane for blogging power at the same amount? That’s only $280,000. Set aside fifty grand for tech stuff (hosting, design, troubleshooting) and advertising, another 60K for expenses (to pay reporters to go on the road and for freelancers), 60K for an editor, and 50K to me for supervising the whole operation and there you go. There’s $500,000 a year. And that doesn’t count any potential income the site might get from outside advertising, which you know it’ll get. As the site grows, the budget can creep up, but only for people who will add direct value to the site, but we add on as advertising revenues warrant the increase.Think of a major league team building a farm system and look at the long terms from those numbers as Jimmie Does
Divide $500,000 into $4.3 million. That’s how long I could run a hypothetical conservative news site with the money dunderheaded conservatives gave Charlie Crist in just three months. Meanwhile, Stacy had to rattle the tip jar so hard his teeth ached to get just a few hundred bucks to do some original reporting in rural Kentucky. That’s ridiculous.No what’s ridiculous is what happened a few days ago. Before the blogger conference call with Rick Santorum Friday Stacy McCain suggested I should make a point to record the call so I can use clips on the radio show. I replied I don’t have the necessary equipment for my line. He mentioned it is available at any Radio Shack for $50-75 bucks and I was forced to reply that I don’t have the $50-75 to spend for it.
The left is funding it’s occupods and its new media to the point where TPM is getting question time on GOP candidates conference calls. Meanwhile forget the $70K in Jimmie’s example. Since June I covered the St. Anselm debate in NH, the Dartmouth debate from the spin room, reported live from blogcon including reports on the occupods, Covered Herman Cain, Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin and Rick Santorum in NH, Barney Frank’s press conference and teaparty and GOP events and more. Yet although the radioshow is managing to cover its expenses the results of my November fundraiser were so dismal that I’ve closed out my 401k (tax hit not withstanding) to keep up with the house bills for the next several months. READ THE WHOLE THING
What's Wrong with the Right?
Let me add my voice to this rant. New media is slaying dragons, kicking ass, taking names, breaking stories and doing the heavy lifting, and still is doing so despite years of results, despite relentless attacks by the left and the mealy-mouthed limpwristed establishment on the right.Pamela then shares that post from DaTechguy, which I excerpted above, that you need to go and read. it is a sad irony that Peter, the blogger known as Datechguy, couldn't get a $50-75 piece of technology that would help him provide unique and exclusive material to his radio show listeners and blog readers due to lack of support from his fellow Conservatives, isn't it?
Speaking of tech issues, the 1389 Blog has been trying to raise money for months to upgrade their server because they were having all kinds of issues getting the blog to load when there's a lot of traffic. 1389 is a counter-jihad blog that provides a lot of coverage, that you would be hard pressed find elsewhere, regarding the genocide and displacement of non-muslims in the Balkans. The islamophile media will never let on, nor will most of our politicians, but Bill Clinton had us helping the wrong side in Bosnia; it was the Christian Serbs who suffered (and are still suffering) horrifying atrocities committed by genocidal islamic supremacists bent on conquest for islam. 1389 does important work, but due to the tech issues, the 1389 Blog has not been able to add new posts or have comments made to existing posts since yesterday and only just got back online a short time ago after switching to a new server. I am sure they'd appreciate some help in their tip jar to recoup the expense.
While I am on the subject of tech trouble, my own ability to stay connected to all of you will be severed, the day after Christmas, if I am unable to somehow raise the $128 I need to stay online, my bill is bundled, so I will also lose my phone service and TV too (there is no reception on TVs without cable here in the sticks where I live). I have mentioned some of the other things I am dealing with which I could really use some help for here, here and here recently. In the two weeks since my Savagelanche, traffic has at least doubled and I have had nearly 40,000 page views to this blog in the past 30 days, but only three hits to my tip jar (from friends). I would really like to be able to get my kids a few reasonably priced Christmas presents and be able to cook something nice that day for dinner, but right now I am struggling just to pull together enough money to meet our most basic needs, and we still need to fix our furnace. If one percent of my readers could sport out five bucks, it would make a huge and positive difference in my life and that of my family, even a one or two dollar donation from 10% of my readers would keep me from being silenced and push the wolves far enough from the door that I could better focus on providing content here that I think you will enjoy. If I am unable to raise the finds needed and forced to go on hiatus, I will try to get back as soon as possible.
Bloggers who are struggling financially often have to resort to the humiliating bleg to try to get help from readers because there are simply no other entities on the right who are willing to help; they would prefer to throw their money away on silliness instead, as Conservative filmmaker Ladd Ehlinger Jr. recently discussed over at his place:
I've tried to work up solutions to solve this problem as well.
Unfortunately, major obstacles remain, and there doesn't seem to be a solution in sight. Conservative donors don't use teh internetz. Conservative donors would rather donate to celebrities like Chris Christie or Mike Huckabee, or presidential candidates they'd prefer to see win - without recognizing how much "oomph" a particular blogger or other might give to that candidate's efforts.
Through all of this, one has to wonder why Mike Huckabee needs a PAC. Or Karl Rove. What exactly are these PACs doing? Are they "winning" anything? Or are they simply churning donor money for the aggrandizement of the celebrity?
Soros and his ilk fund Media Matters, Think Progress, et. al. Conservatives toss their money into landfills.
And for those who may be tempted to jump into the comments and screech about the Koch Brothers, as far as I can tell, their pattern of funding is the same as all the other conservatives. I may be wrong, but the impression I get is, when they're not funding NPR documentaries on string-theory, the Kochs are tossing their cash into the celebrity landfill, too. READ THE WHOLE THING.
Robert Stacy McCain noted the other day that a billionaire has announced that he is giving $20 million to the Newt Gingrich campaign, but of course there is no love for bloggers from such people, and we're not asking for millions either - many of us would be delighted to find a notification of donation received for $5, $10, $20, $50 or $100 in our inboxes, and like I said, even donations of a dollar or two can add up and make a huge difference in someone's life. Stacy is one of the countries hardest working journalists, widely considered to me The Last REAL American Reporter, and one of very few journalists who are on our side. Stacy works his butt off, traveling to important Conservative events, researching and reporting on new and interesting information with both great intellectual capacity and engaging wit - and he does it all on donations to his tip jar. Stacy will be headed to Iowa just after Christmas, where he will be able to provide us with the best coverage of the big primary election that you'll be able to find anywhere. The dinosaur media will not report anything of any real importance to Conservative voters, as they are all in the tank for the left (yes, even Fox News - just look at how Chris Wallace interviews candidates and moderates debates). If you value honest reporting and news you can actually use, you should hit Stacy's tip jar to help him with his Shoeleather Reporting Fund.
Last summer I asked you, "Do You Want America's Future Decided by the MSM or by The People?" and made the case for why Conservative blogs are so very important in the fight to preserve our liberty. (Excerpts):
Did you see the list of bloggers who were struggling in Jimmie's post from this past summer? Well most, if not all of them, are still battling to keep their heads above water. Jimmie's idea for a Great Tip Jar Rattling was a stroke of genius, because the politicians and those who donate the big bucks to them care nothing for the hard working bloggers whose work they benefit from, we are little more than doormats to them, if they deem to notice us at all. We are chopped liver; PACs and the politicians, even when they are unelectable losers, are kobe beef to them. Which is why Conservative Bloggers so very badly need support from their readers, because nobody else appreciates the work that we do. It is a much different story on the left, which is why they have the advantage, as The Lonely Conservative addressed HERE.We must fight for accurate information and ignore a media with an activist, propagandist agenda. It has gotten down to that: the media vs. the people.The above quote is from Pamela Geller's article at Human Events, The Next President. It is now more important than ever to support those who fight to bring truthful information to the People, information that the media and most of our political class do not want you to know.
We must fight for accurate information and ignore a media with an activist, propagandist agenda. It has gotten down to that: the media vs. the people.The above quote is from Pamela Geller's article at Human Events, The Next President. It is now more important than ever to support those who fight to bring truthful information to the People, information that the media and most of our political class do not want you to know.
If it weren't for Conservative bloggers, it is quite likely that far left radical nutjobs like communist racist Van Jones and Mao fan Anita Dunn would still be holding high ranking positions in the Obama administration. If it weren't for the blogs, it may never have become known that the Fort Hood massacre was islamic jihad, as was the attempted Christmas Underwear bombing, as was the attempted Times Square bombing, as was the shooting outside the Arkansas Army Recruiting office... I could go on, but hopefully you get the idea. If it weren't for the blogs, you would probably not know that the recent violent and brutal "flash mob" attacks popping up all over the country involved large groups of racist black thugs attacking white people specifically because they are white and for no other reason. If it weren't for the blogs, nobody would know about corruption like the Pigford scam, the deadly "Fast and Furious" scandal, or most of the other treasonous and illegal acts of the corrupt anti-American Obama administration and his goonion thug cronies. If it weren't for the blogs, nobody would likely know that Obama has us helping Al Qaeda and other jihadi terrorists in Libya. If it weren't for the blogs, you may have never heard of the Muslim Brotherhood or been made aware that their stated official goal for the United States of America is to destroy it from within. If it were not for the blogs, people would probably still think that the far left drug addled Tuscon killer, Jared Loughner, was a Sarah Palin operative. There are so many important things that would never have come to light if the right-blogosphere had not exposed them and banged the drum persistently until media and politicians could no longer afford to ignore them, I could easily go on all day, but I hope you get the point: the right blogosphere is critically important to our nation's future!
Conservative bloggers don't just provide information though, quite often they are the catalysts for making positive changes. Last fall, this blog was barely a month old when I put it to work, successfully, towards my own corrupt far left Congressman's electoral defeat. The right-blogs played a crucial role in giving the leftists the "shellacking" that they so rightly deserved in the 2010 election and they will be more important than ever leading up to 2012.
Unlike the well funded left, Conservative bloggers get no support from any big organizations, there are no blogger Sugar Daddies for Conservative bloggers, not even from the right, as Jimmie Bise explains at the Sundries Shack:
Let me toss a few number at you. These are fundraising totals, for the first half of 2011 (candidates’ figures from Open Secrets)....
If we assume that half of the donations received by the RNC and SarahPAC will get spent, in some form or fashion, on the 2012 Presidential Race, we get a grand total of $45.1 million donated in six months for a campaign where we won’t see a real election until mid-February. Mind you, I didn’t include the fundraising totals for the RNCC and RNSC, because OpenSecrets doesn’t have a tally for the 2012 election cycle yet. It’s safe to say that between them, you could probably double that total.
- The Republican National Committee: $36.6 million ($6.7 million in June alone).
- Mitt Romney: $18.3 million.
- Ron Paul: $4.5 million.
- Tim Pawlenty: $4.5 million.
- Michele Bachmann: $3.6 million.
- Herman Cain: $2.55 million.
- Newt Gingrich: $2.1 million.
- Sarah Palin’s PAC: $1.7 million.
Why do I point this out? Well, I’m afraid I’m back on my new media hobby horse again. See, this week I’ve had a few blog posts hit my RSS reader and little of the news has been good. Let me give you some of the highlights.
Quite the contrast, eh?
- Pete Ingemi, Da Tech Guy, is in urgent need of $1,800.
- Iowahawk had a monster flood sweep through his man-cave.
- My friend BiasedGirl is now a two-time victim of the Obama Recession.
- Stacy’s tip-jar is feeling a bit neglected and he has some bills coming due.
- It’s yearly fundraising time at Chris Muir’s Day by Day Cartoon.
- The Lonely Conservative is feeling, well, lonely!
- Thomas LaDuke, another victim of the Obama Recession, was looking at some pricey auto repairs and, though that need was met, still finds himself out of a job.
- Dan Collins and Joy McCann are trying to make a go of a conservative community with all manner of good stuff for your eyes and ears.
- Duane Lester, father of a rather large family, made a ridiculously inexpensive e-book he’s selling to make ends meet.
- Zilla, whose husband works one job and is trying to get a business off the ground in his “spare” time, is on the ragged edge.
- Wendy Sullivan is trying to get some real help to a very worth cause.
On one hand, the professional politicians — not just the candidates but their staff members who jump from campaign to campaign each season — are doing pretty well. On the other hand, folks in new media are sucking wind to pay their bills each month. But why should that be? Which group does more to aggressively advance conservative causes; take on pernicious media bias; and dos battle with the well-paid and full-time hacks in Media Matters, Think Progress, and the Democratic Party every day? I’ll tell you, from the looks of my e-mail inbox and my RSS reader, the new media Army of Davidsis beating the socks off the professional political class on a daily basis.
Let me point something else out as well. Every election cycle, the Republicans rattle their voluminous tip-jars for candidates we then have to fight for two, four, or six years to do the things we put them into office to do. They plead poverty and reap millions, then spend those millions on overpriced and arrogant advisers like Mike Murphy and Ed Rollins. They pay tens of thousands of dollars to “geniuses” like Fred Davis who produced such flops as “Demonsheep” and “I’m You”. When I mention this, though, my friends who have been on the inside of political campaigns assure me that we on the right must hire these people, that their expertise is indispensable.
I wonder, though. If they’re so darned good, why did their candidates lose so badly? Why don’t they have a few recent successes under their belts?
Let me point out one other thing. The Republican National Committee, for all its millions, has virtually no new media presence. They have one, perhaps two people, who work their tails off to cover the whole nation. No one is making videos and pushing them out on YouTube or Vimeo with any great frequency. No one makes regular outreach efforts to bloggers. I can’t recall that Chairman Priebus has had more than perhaps a couple conference calls with bloggers since January. Surely the RNC could have set aside a million or so this year, hired 6 or 8 established bloggers and videographers, and set them to work at the soft underbelly of the Democratic Party, but they haven’t. Now I understand that Michael Steele left the committee in horrible financial shape. I get that the “establishment” sees new media as the junior varsity. What I don’t understand is why anyone with any internet savvy at all would look at the Return On Investment (ROI) potential of new media and not at least give it a try. It’s not as if the RNC hasn’t spent money on media aplenty already.
But what does that have to do with you? I’m glad you asked.
Here it is. Every month, we’re bombarded with donation requests from politicians and parties who assure us that the $20, $50, or $100 we send them over and over again will be well-spent. They promise us that they will use our money wisely and we believe them only to learn, usually after another losing election, that they spent the cash on overpriced fripperies and could have done just as well with half the money. I think they could do just as well with a little bit less. Their consultants and ad “geniuses” can bring their rates down a touch without falling into the peril of eating Mac and Cheese a couple times a week.
So here’s what I”m suggesting. Instead of donating to a candidate or a party, donate to a blogger or a podcaster. Make a regular habit of it. If you’d normally give $100 to a candidate, give a blogger $20 a month for five months. Heck, give $20 to five different bloggers. Let them know, in paying green fashion, that you support and appreciate what they do. Tell your friends, too and point them to the same bloggers to whom you donate. Get a little contest going among your friends and family to see who can get the first blogger to post about how their tip jar exploded because of all the cash that you all stuffed into it. Make it last at least through the end of this year and see how it works. If you can keep it up into 2012, when the new media will be even more important, do it. I know times are tough, but I think we can all come up with $10 or $20 a month somewhere.
And there’s another benefit. If you put that money into new media you can see what you get every day — blog entries, podcasts, videos, or any combination thereof. As Stacy said, it’s not a donation but a payment. You’ll get something out of it — real solid news or commentary you can send to people you know or use to bolster your own political chops. You also get regular, direct contact with the person to whom you’ve donated either through e-mail, other places like Twitter or Google+, or the comment section of the site. You can’t buy that from a candidate unless you pony up tens of thousands of dollars and even then, you won’t get that contact every day.
So your money buys not only global reach and regular output but also real access to real people who are hitting their licks for conservatism every day. If that’s not a deal in a day when parties are not exactly the model of transparency, I don’t know what is. And there’s no better time to start than now. RTWT
Conservative bloggers provide a valuable service, so it is not unreasonable to hope for some sort of compensation via Tip Jar hitting in return for that service from the people who benefit from it. Is it? MUCH MORE HERE
Most conservative bloggers have other jobs and other responsibilities. We do this because we believe the United States is the last best hope on earth, and we want our kids to grow up with the same opportunities we’ve had. Most don’t do this out of some love of the 1%. We do it out of love of freedom. We lose sleep, and work at night and on the weekends.
I’m not whining, I just want people to realize that the conservative new media is doing a heck of a job without any help from the likes of billionaires like George Soros. Imagine what we could do with funding. RTWT
Christmas is just around the corner, why not spread some joy by hitting a few of the tip jars of your favorite bloggers? I an guarantee you that it will be welcomed and appreciated! And if you can spare anything at all, please help me to stay avoid being silenced by hitting my tip jar. Thank you for reading, and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and a very Happy New Year.
This post is linked at Blazing Cat Fur. Thank you, BCF!
This post is listed in Larwyn's Linx at Doug Ross. Thanks, Doug!
This post is linked at Small Dead Animals. Thank you. Kate!
This post is quoted at the Laughing Conservative with a link to this blog. Thanks, Hugh!
This post is linked at the Conservative Hideout. Thank you, Matt!
This post is linked at the Eye of Polyphemus. Thanks, Jamie!
This post is lined at 1389 Blog - Counterjihad! Thank you, 1389!
This post is linked at The Conservatory. Thanks, Peter!
This post is linked at Stand Your Ground. Thank you, Leonard!
This post is linked at The Vail Spot. Thanks, Rich!
This post is linked at Instapundit - my first ever Instalanche! Thank you, Glenn, and WELCOME, Instapundit readers!
This post is featured at the Conservative Hideout. Thanks, Matt!
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Zilla's Resistance Shop
Terrific post, Zilla.
Of course the moneyed Republican party has a ready supply of underutilized talent in the Conservative blogosphere. I wonder if the party leaders are not just thinking, "Why pay for the cow when you can get the milk for free?"
Thanks for reminding us of the great work our online blogger warriors do to hold back the well funded Socilist Fifth Column, Zilla. You guys should remind us more often of your overhead and what more you could be doing if you had 'bread'.
We ain't called 'conservatives' for nothing. Penny pinchers need to be pinched. :-)
Thanks for a great blog and I am going around to other blogs I frequent, and frequently take for granted, as well and spread some Christmas cheer.and appreciation.
I tried to send a contribution through Paypal. Did you get it? It was a month or two ago.
Then maybe we aren't so much the chopped liver hated stepchildren as we are the drunk lonely chicks in the bar at closing time? ;)
Thank YOU for the support, James! You make me feel less bad about asking for help. :)
Hi Anne,
If I get a donation, I always send an email to thank the sender, and Paypal sends notification to the sender if the transaction went through. I don't see one in the list of transactions I have access to with the email address that Disqus shows me for you here, so perhaps it is under another address? Sometimes my thank you letters get bounced back to me for whatever reason, and if that is the case with my thanks to you for past help, please accept my deepest gratitude now. Thank you for your kindness.
It is a dirty job but someone has to do it! STAY THE COURSE!
I was thinking more along the lines of talented, independent beauties whose affection is not available for purchase.
Let's face it. If it was so easy to buy us, we'd already be living on Easy Street.
I want to extend an extra thanks for helping Zilla and other right-bloggers; A little from a lot could go a very long way toward keeping the bills paid.
Always nice to meet a fellow conservative, and this time, a fellow "Jim R" !
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to ya !
SMOOOOOOTH ! Hmmm Hmmmm !
I think that, with the establishment Republicans being "progressives" and knowing that progressives want to control things, the more control the better, and knowing we aren`t reliable meme spewers, conservatives can`t be given money that won`t pay the dividends they are counting on ! Better to waste $Millions on MSM commercials / ads that we don`t watch !
The left have created perpetual funding machines in unions and cronyism. We have to start taking down the means for the left to keep up this vicious cycle of taking from the ones who create to give to the ones who keep on taking.
You would almost think they set things up that way on purpose.
Yes, indeed. Con artists know that "You can't cheat an honest man." So they avoid them.
Which is why Conservatives need to help each other out as best we can (as Zilla points out) until we reach the tipping point.
Yes, quite right .... ly ! ;-)
I'm broke too. I might hit a couple tip jars anyway. It sounds like small amounts might actualy be helpfull. Is $10 enough. Whats the best way. OH YA TIP JAR.
You know you will owe me. When I call for my ten words I expect good ones.
i am happy to support conservative bloggers when provided an address to mail a check.
Type your reply...
Ten bucks is very helpful to people like me, and would be greatly appreciated. I will give you the ten very best words I can find! :)
Good post, Zilla, but a little depressing to find out just how little you guys are supported financially. I already told my husband that if we ever win the lottery that my favorite bloggers are going to be compensated very well. In the meantime, I'll try to hit the tip jar.
Haven`t been around many rich people, have you ?
Is sent you a coupla bucks. Buy your kids some Christmas presents. If you lived closer I'd say come for Christmas dinner. If you're up for a drive, you're always welcome!
Wish I had money to give, but am in the same boat. A $2,300 plus COBRA health insurance payment quarterly and slim pickens when it comes to acting work. I make a few pennies with adsense.. and sell a few photos here and there on my photog shop, but that's it. Sending best wishes, though.
Thank you for the best wishes, I hope things get better for you soon too. If your photog shop has a web link, please feel free to post it here, maybe I can help get some more eyeballs over there for you! I am going to share your blog post about Kim Jong Il's demise on my A-C page, hopefully that will get you a bit more traffic and a few more pennies from your ads. May we live to see better days.
You're the best, Chris. Thank you so much!
Thanks, Rosalie. I also have plans to be a benevolent tip jar hitter once we get back on our feet and things aren't so tight. If we ever have a windfall which will make us not have to worry so much about just surviving day to day, I want to be a Fairy Blog Mother!
Yup. They are devious!
Simply put MJ, they don't care. As Quite Rightly pointed out, they do not feel the need to support the cow when the milk is free. Personally, my blog is so small and has such a limited readership, that my tip jar has been hit only once, and then by you. Many of us are in the same boat. Mounting bills, mounting expenses, and dwindling resources.
You know my situation (disabled, poor health, and living on $700 per month SSI), but I still blog when I can, and I do so for no other reason than it is about all I can do. I cannot stand by and say nothing when the left and the mohammedans are spewing their vile messages. In my mind, to remain silent is to quietly condone the things they do and say.
I think the conservative / Republican portion of our political elite are just that - elite. They care little if anything for us little guys, and the only way I can swallow being taken advantage of by them is to simply ignore their ignoring of us.
I wish I had the resources not only to take care of my family and myself, but you and other conservative bloggers as well. They service provided by conservative bloggers is invaluable, and in my mind, does more good than any amount of money squandered by the conservative elite on loser candidates. So I continue to do what I can, when I can when it comes to writing. Hang in there kid, and continue to fight the good fight.
My Best Always,
Thom Paine
It's simple...the Lefty bloggers support and completely buy into what the Progressive leadership has planned. On the other hand the Republican mainstream leadership sees the Right bloggers as troublemakers who are screwing it up for them to skim their bit off the top.
Republican does not mean conservative...
INSTALAUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats because you deserve it.
seems the wealthy on the right are just clueless as to where the money should go. cut taxes on the rich so the rich give politicians more money to trumpet cutting taxes more..while the Left after long term influence from soviet comunisim in the 60,70,and 80 ..uses the rights tendency to forget the little people to chip away at the country and support the spread of communism..maybe the bloggers should vet the so called republicans running for president..and start to wonder why there are no real choices
Oh ffs, for the phone thing - Use Skype, have the other people use skype. I've been doing a tech podcast (and now do a gaming podcast) using skype for years. Yes, support would be nice. In the meantime, figure crap out.
What makes you think that these Republican donors are your sort of conservative? Maybe they are the FrumForum/First Things sort, rather than the pro-liberty sort.
The enemy of your enemy isn't necessarily your friend -- especially when they aren't really their "enemy" so much as merely competitors for the same (paternalist) football.
I would place the responsibility on party politics above other factors.
Conservative donors tend to think first of the GOP. That's perverse for several reasons, all of which are beyond the scope of this tirade. That funnels funds toward Republican candidates, and toward the Republican party itself. Needless to say, the party's power brokers are less interested in the ideological battles occurring on the Web than they are in buying publicity for the next campaign.
To get resources diverted in some measure to the Dextrosphere, conservative donors must be led to understand that political success is a result of success at educating the great mass of American voters: first, in the overriding importance of Constitutional principles; second, in the farce the GOP has made of America's long-term interests; third, in how focusing wholly on Republican victory in the most proximate election can only perpetuate the (wholly unsatisfactory) status quo.
I wish i could hit your tip jar, but I too am near the ragged edge. My wife ha cancer (surgery 2 weeks ago) and I'm wondering how in the hell I'm going to make rent. Cheri's going back to work tomorrow because we just can't afforrd for her to stay home.
I'll link to your post as well.
Rich Vail
Pikesville, maryland
Holy Mackerel! Merry Christmas!
Working on it...
I am so sorry about your wife's illness and your struggles! Thank you for linking to me! I see you have a tip jar at your place, I hope it will be OK with you that I am going to ask the people who read this blog to help you out in my next post. Maybe it will help some. In the mean time, you and your wife will be in my prayers.
Zilla, it runs contrary to the philosophy of fiscal-conservatives to fund people just because they ask for it. You have to show value, and I think such scattered, individualist entities don't have enough value on their own to drive attention. If you had a group like PJ Media, where you get a bunch of content, then you would get more attention. Perhaps you bloggers should form a consortium, rather than try to do things on your own. (Of course, to get money from me you'd have to ditch the Christian Right, cuz they're a bunch of loonies.)
Thank you, Thom, I will fight right alongside you until the bitter end! :)
Poverty in Egypt, or anywhere else, is not very difficult to explain.
There are three basic causes: People are poor because they cannot
produce anything highly valued by others. They can produce things highly
valued by others but are hampered or prevented from doing so. Or, they
volunteer to be poor. — Walter Williams
Most of us do this for next to nothing. What little that hits the tip jar, literally in some cases helps keep a roof over our heads.'s the only thing that does. That small amount a generousity goes a very long way.
Rich Vail,
Pikesville, Maryaldn
thanks very you point out above, a little bit goes a very long way. I went silent for a while on my blog because, honestly, I was just too damn depressed and tired to write anything.
Someone above makes a very valid point on how much the fo GOP elites view us in the gloosshere...too often they ee us as throwing stones at them as well as the Democrats...and they just don't know how to deal with us. We have the nerve to hold them accountable for their actions...and G-d forbid we expect them to hold to conservative/libertarian ideals....
Sometimes even a 2 or 5 dollar tip jar hit can save the day!
"I went silent for a while on my blog because, honestly, I was just too damn depressed and tired to write anything."
Yep, I've been there, too! And the longer you go quiet, the harder it is to get going again, so we're probably better off just never shutting up again! :)
Thank you for the constructive criticism, I appreciate you taking the time to share your insights with me. I took down a lot of the Google affiliate link widgets, they were slowing down the page load time and I wasn't really getting anything in the way of revenue from them anyway.
You're the first person to complain about the page color, I've had it this way forever, the pages were originally black with white letters, but that was hard on people's eyes. Live and learn.
I wonder if a lot of people hate the rose colored pages?
This new off-white background with black letters is better imo, Zilla. Happy New Year to You.
"...ditch the Christian Right, cuz they're a bunch of loonies."
Care to be more specific Sek, or would that require a potential embarrassing insight into more generalized unorganized thinking.
I hear ya Zilla. As a paid shill of big oil, big tobacco, big pharma and the Vast Rightwing Conspiracy I'm still waiting for my check from the Koch brothers.
Excellent point, me too! Thanks for stopping by!
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