There are hundreds of businesses there looking for people to host ads for them, if you visit my other blog on the MareZilla Network, you might notice that the companies advertised at each of my blogs differs, that's because the advertisers reserve the right to approve or reject your application, and both my blogs vary in content and traffic so different companies accept or reject based on those criteria. The Zilla Blog gets a decent amount of traffic, but isn't politically correct, while the Stone Soup is non-controversial and family friendly, but doesn't get nearly as much traffic as the Zilla Blog.
I am trying everything I can think of to survive in this economy, including offering my own custom made ads at special discounts to anyone who contacts me asking for them, my bookstore, and of course, the Tip Jar (my birthday is on Sunday July 17th and a donation is a terrific way to say "Happy Birthday"). Husband has started a new business venture that he is working on after he gets home form work at night and on weekends and I am still pursuing freelance gigs that might pay in dollars rather than pennies.
I've been doing what I can and helping husband in addition to trying to get caught up on laundry and housework, which is why there has been a little slow down in my my posting both at the blogs and the A-C page. I've got the blogs set up how I want them (for now), so please take a look around, check out the neat stuff and great deals that are available, and if you like the work that I do when I am doing what I normally do (and want to help me to have a happy birthday), please hit tip jar to help clear the cobwebs that have gathered on it.
Now that you know what's going on, I can get back to doing my regular blog stuff. Stay tuned...
You go girl!
The GPS, the road map AND that funny looking guy back there at the store say you`re on the right road ! ;-)
Off to the post office to get those snails started.
Thanks, mRed!
Thank you, SPG!
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