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April 22, 2011 also is Good Friday for Catholics, but this year it is eclipsed by the propaganda of the eco-commies, as is Easter. Ed Morrissey at Hot Air points out how the media coverage has been going for these events this year:
It’s Holy Week for the world’s Christians, leading to the most significant event on the calendar, Easter Sunday. How does the national media cover such a significant week? The Media Research Center took a look at the media coverage from last year’s Holy Week and compared it to coverage of Earth Day. Who did better, Jesus or Gaia?Earth Day is not some benign holiday about conservation, its origins are dark and creepy. The Lesbian Conservative has a terrific post from last year which shines a light on one the leftist radicals credited with founding Earth Day, Ira Einhorn, also known as the Unicorn Killer:
Media Undermine Christian Holiday: Nearly two thirds of all stories about Easter were negative (22 out of 34).
Easter Used to Attack Catholic Church: Ninety-one percent of the negative Easter stories were about the pedophilia scandal in the Roman Catholic Church.
Love That Mother Nature: 100 percent of Earth Day stories were positive. RTR
The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970 during the heyday of the drug-infested counter-culture, just when the depiction of America as Archfiend was grinding into high gear.Why April 22 for Earth Day? Alan Caruba explains at Warning Signs in the post, What Greens Really Believe. The whole thing is a must read, but here's an excerpt:
That first Earth Day celebration in Philadelphia was organized by Philly’s own local counter-cult icon, Ira Einhorn. Einhorn was an anti-establishment celebrity wannabe who rubbed shoulders with Jerry Rubin and Abbie Hoffman, two of the notorious Chicago Eight radicals that led the Yippie demonstrations at the 1968 Democrat Convention. Einhorn later claimed to be the creator of Earth Day, attempting to capitalize on all the save-the-earth euphoria. On that first Earth Day in Philly’s Fairmount Park, Einhorn served as Master of Ceremonies.
In 1977, Ira Einhorn murdered Holly Maddux, a former lover, who had broken off their relationship and moved to New York. Einhorn lured Holly back to Philadelphia by telling her he wanted her to remove her belongings from his apartment. Holly left for Philadelphia and was never seen alive again. Eighteen months later, Holly’s body was found decomposing in a trunk in Einhorn’s apartment. Einhorn was then charged but released on a reduced bail at the request of his attorney, Arlen Specter, the current Democrat Senator for Pennsylvania. Just days before the start of his trial, Einhorn skipped out on his bail and fled to Europe.
The saga that ensued in tracking down this Left-wing murderer and heaving his butt back to the US took 20 years. Einhorn was sheltered and protected by every Left-wing do-goody in Europe and in the US. RTWT
It is no coincidence that Earth Day is also the birthday of Vladimir Illich Lenin, the founder of the former Soviet Union and devotee of Karl Marx, the creator of Communism. The Communist revolution worldwide led to the murder of an estimated one hundred million throughout the last century.Now, if you like your truth about Earth Day with a fresh hot dose of awesome and a generous helping of righteous profanity on the side, I highly recommend that you click on over to TheSwash.com and read Earth Day is Anti-Human, Eco-Fascist Bullshit. You'll be glad that you did.
At the heart of environmentalism, aside from its wish for far fewer humans, is a hatred of capitalism. The failures of communism and socialism everywhere attest to the way state control of all aspects of life is ignored by Greens.
David Foreman, founder of Earth First!, said, “We must make this an insecure and inhospitable place for capitalists and their projects…We must reclaim the roads and plowed land, hold dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wildness millions of tens of millions of acres of presently settle land.”
Thus, agriculture, the key to civilization, is decried as harming the Earth and all manner of business and industrial enterprises, dependent on the provision of energy, is regarded as evil. READ THE WHOLE THING
Light bulbs are a perfect illustration for why all this environmental yammering is irrelevant to reducing pollution and more about controlling people's lives and wallets. The government tells us that we can't have old fashioned incandescent (and cheap) light bulbs anymore, citing "environmental" reasons, and that we are to use the expensive, unattractive and impractical CFC bulbs instead. Those have poisonous mercury in them. If you break a regular light bulb, you clean it up with a dustpan & it takes a few seconds. If you break one of those so called "environmentally friendly" CFC bulbs, it's an entirely different matter - here are the cleanup guidelines from the EPA's website:
Before CleanupNot exactly the type of cleanup procedure one would think of needing for an "environmentally friendly" product, is it?
* Have people and pets leave the room, and avoid the breakage area on the way out.
* Open a window or door to the outdoors and leave the room for 5-10 minutes.
* Shut off the central forced-air heating/air conditioning (H&AC) system, if you have one.
* Collect materials you will need to clean up the broken bulb:
o Stiff paper or cardboard
o Sticky tape (e.g., duct tape)
o Damp paper towels or disposable wet wipes (for hard surfaces)
o Glass jar with a metal lid (such as a canning jar) or a sealable plastic bag(s)
Cleanup Steps for Hard Surfaces
* Carefully scoop up glass fragments and powder using stiff paper or cardboard and place debris and paper/cardboard in a glass jar with a metal lid. If a glass jar is not available, use a sealable plastic bag. (NOTE: Since a plastic bag will not prevent the mercury vapor from escaping, remove the plastic bag(s) from the home after cleanup.)
* Use sticky tape, such as duct tape, to pick up any remaining small glass fragments and powder. Place the used tape in the glass jar or plastic bag.
* Wipe the area clean with damp paper towels or disposable wet wipes. Place the towels in the glass jar or plastic bag.
* Vacuuming of hard surfaces during cleanup is not recommended unless broken glass remains after all other cleanup steps have been taken. [NOTE: It is possible that vacuuming could spread mercury-containing powder or mercury vapor, although available information on this problem is limited.] If vacuuming is needed to ensure removal of all broken glass, keep the following tips in mind:
o Keep a window or door to the outdoors open;
o Vacuum the area where the bulb was broken using the vacuum hose, if available; and
o Remove the vacuum bag (or empty and wipe the canister) and seal the bag/vacuum debris, and any materials used to clean the vacuum, in a plastic bag.
* Promptly place all bulb debris and cleanup materials, including vacuum cleaner bags, outdoors in a trash container or protected area until materials can be disposed of properly.
o Check with your local or state government about disposal requirements in your area. Some states and communities require fluorescent bulbs (broken or unbroken) be taken to a local recycling center.
* Wash your hands with soap and water after disposing of the jars or plastic bags containing bulb debris and cleanup materials.
* Continue to air out the room where the bulb was broken and leave the H&AC system shut off, as practical, for several hours.
Cleanup Steps for Carpeting or Rugs
* Carefully scoop up glass fragments and powder using stiff paper or cardboard and place debris and paper/cardboard in a glass jar with a metal lid. If a glass jar is not available, use a sealable plastic bag. (NOTE: Since a plastic bag will not prevent the mercury vapor from escaping, remove the plastic bag(s) from the home after cleanup.)
* Use sticky tape, such as duct tape, to pick up any remaining small glass fragments and powder. Place the used tape in the glass jar or plastic bag.
* Vacuuming of carpeting or rugs during cleanup is not recommended unless broken glass remains after all other cleanup steps have been taken. [NOTE: It is possible that vacuuming could spread mercury-containing powder or mercury vapor, although available information on this problem is limited.] If vacuuming is needed to ensure removal of all broken glass, keep the following tips in mind:
o Keep a window or door to the outdoors open;
o Vacuum the area where the bulb was broken using the vacuum hose, if available, and
o Remove the vacuum bag (or empty and wipe the canister) and seal the bag/vacuum debris, and any materials used to clean the vacuum, in a plastic bag.
* Promptly place all bulb debris and cleanup materials, including vacuum cleaner bags, outdoors in a trash container or protected area until materials can be disposed of properly.
o Check with your local or state government about disposal requirements in your area. Some states and communities require fluorescent bulbs (broken or unbroken) be taken to a local recycling center.
* Wash your hands with soap and water after disposing of the jars or plastic bags containing bulb debris and cleanup materials.
* Continue to air out the room where the bulb was broken and leave the H&AC system shut off, as practical, for several hours.
Future Cleaning of Carpeting or Rugs: Air Out the Room During and After Vacuuming
* The next several times you vacuum the rug or carpet, shut off the H&AC system if you have one, close the doors to other rooms, and open a window or door to the outside before vacuuming. Change the vacuum bag after each use in this area.
* After vacuuming is completed, keep the H&AC system shut off and the window or door to the outside open, as practical, for several hours.
If you happen to come across one of those Earth Day festivals that spring up all over the place this time a year, take a look at the litter these people leave behind and then maybe you'll understand why I say that they can take their "Earth Day" and shove it!
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They have indeed duped far too many.
Thank you, and a very blessed and joyous Easter to you too!
It bears repeating; Happy Resurrection Day / Passover to MJ and all the fellow Resisters ! We are greatly blessed !
i appreciate your cynical humor :-)
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".....Lyme Disease capitol of the world." Oddly, a few years ago, my next door neighbor got Rocky Mtn. Spotted Fever from a tick bite, got REALLY SICK quickly, here in the southern Appalachians. Just shows to go ya, you can`t never always sometimes tell about these things, they travel !
Good luck !
I live in the Lyme Disease capital of the world. Thank you for the prayers!
I ended up having to cancel my plans to get lab work today because my lil girl had a high fever but luckily my mom will be with us here for a few more days so I can take care of it during the week.
Skipped on the bacon today, but it`ll be fish filets for supper. Southern Baptist Deacon (in-active) and I be lovin` th` fishies - baked, grilled, roasted, pan- or deep-fried, smoked, even sushimi ! MmmmMMMmmm !
You are and will stay in my prayers in hopes of an accurate diagnosis and positive prognosis, a cure and effective treatment in the interim ! It`s always good to see your confidence and bright outlook !
On the trip to MN with my Daughter, she was getting burnt out on me checking her for ticks (you could hardly go outside without getting at least one on you), until I found one on her....then it was, "Check me Daddy, I`m itching all over !"
Oy. I'd have to fight myself not to say something, or at least wait until after they were finished working on me. LOL
Thank, Bob. Enviroweenies should be mocked as often as possible.
Thanks, Angel, I wish the same for you. (((hugs!)))
OMG MOTUS is here! Excuse me while I try to get my inner fangirl under control, but it is a huge honor & a delight to see you commenting here at my little blog, thank you!
I remember those skits, gosh do I miss Phil Hartman, he was so danged funny.
You can watch & remember here:
Excellent Earf Day throwdown!
Reading the EPA instructions for dealing with a curly fry lightbulb malfunction always reminds me of Phil Hartman's Anal Retentive Chef skit on SNL, which is a hoot even without the EPA similarities.
spot on hun!..green shmeen! blessed holidays to you my friend..:)
Hey guys,
Here is a link to some earth day videos you are sure to enjoy.
I am ever amazed at how many intelligent people have bought into this Earth Day crap!
Just today, I saw a sign lauding Earth Day in my dentist's office. Pfffft!
No burgers for me today (I'm Catholic) but please eat an extra one on my behalf but be sure to top it with bacon! I have to and get some blood work today. My mom is visiting so I can use her car & make her watch the kids. The new theory as to why my body is in such horrible pain and why my limbs no longer works as they should is that one of the times I've been infected with Lyme disease has permanently damaged me. Lyme disease arthritis, not much to be done about that but if the infection is still hiding out & active in my body I'm told it can damage my brain and maybe even kill me (don't worry, it's a very small possibility, I'll be fine). Out of all the myriad of diagnosises I've gotten over the past 12 years, this one seems most plausible.
Sorry MJ, Ute, You`re right. But consider the cause of my mis-perception, Earf Day / Week has been going on here in the San Fran of the East coast since last Friday !
The local Fishwrap & Birdcage Liner first mentioned Good Friday this past Sunday on the front page of the .....B Section. Earf Day festivities and the NON-religious celebrations of Easter have been front and center every day since Friday.
Observe Good Friday as you see fit and celebrate Human Achievement Day to the fullest........my appliances, electronics and incandescent bulbs are buzzing ! Off to eat fast food burgers and drive my gas guzzler in comfort and security ! :-)
Well they are generally about as tidy as most leftist gatherings, think of how
the National Mall was left after zero's inauguration for an example.
I haven't seen the trash they leave behind at festivals.
Thanks, Jack!
Exactly. And have you ever seen the mess those hypocrites leave behind at their "Earth Day" festivals?
Thanks, Mark! My friend Keiko has a great article about what is REALLY important today, please click on over there to read it:
I'll never try to stop you when you've got a good soapbox rant going!
I think Hitler's birthday is actually the 20th, see Ute's comment here.
Hammer, meet nail head !
Very well said !
Your learning experience may be in for an addition, Earf Day is also Hitler`s bd. And especially when it doesn`t coincide with Good Friday, I prefer to call it HUMAN ACHIEVEMENT DAY !!
Enviro-"mental"-movement indeed ! They never consider the real ramifications of their well intended proclamations and actions !
Wonderful post, Mare! I echo Peg: Earth Day can also kiss MY pasty white ass.
I didn't realize that there was a connection between earth day and Lenin. I used to respect earth day when it was first created, being that I wanted to be environmentally friendly and love animals but this day has turned into the Leftists propaganda way to promote one of the biggest hoaxes in history, global warming.
great article Mare! I have already been a big foe of the CFC lightbulb once I looked into them about 3 years ago after the law was passed and signed by Bush (the idiot!). Been developing a stock of the incadesent bulbs now that they are being removed from the market by our government in 2012.
I have never been against Earth Day - but it is sad that in this Christian Nation Earth Day gets more media time than Good Friday! Makes sense with all the commies in the environ-"mental" movement. Learned something new today - did not know Earth Day is the same day as Lenin's Birthday.
Yep, it's cyclical, our planet goes through periods of warming & cooling, that's why there have been repeated ice ages & thaws. We've got nothing to do with it. Still bad to pollute, because it screws up the water & air and everything, but the man made climate change crap is just that, crap.
Ha ha ha ha. :) Better get the guy a HazMat suit for cleaning those suckers up!
Thanks, SPG! I hope you have a very happy Easter as well. I'm glad that my little girl is on vacation right now, so I can put off till next year a possible confrontation with her school if they try to fill her brain with erf day hooey.
Manbearpig uses more energy to power his mansions for a day than most families us in a month! And if Michael Moo were to go away, think of the reduction in greenhouse gasses we could have!
The more I see of Michele Bachmann, the more I am liking her. If she runs for POTUS and wins she could maybe give us back real light bulbs with an executive order, I mean look at all the evil crap zero uses those e.o.s for, she could use one for something good for us!
Honestly, I didn't even know tomorrow was earth day until you mentioned it lol. I believe that we should do our part to keep this planet healthy EVERY day and be aware of our surroundings and respectful to mother nature. Kinda like Valentines Day. As much as I love the chocolate I get :), love between two people should be celebrated every day, not just one day a year. So those two holidays are really useless if you ask me.
We shouldn't have to be reminded with a holiday that our planet is precious as we shouldn't have to be reminded with a holiday that our loved ones are precious.
I do however believe in Global Warming, but not the way the politicians would like us too. I don't think it is caused by pollution, but just a natural cycle the planet is going through. Like everything else however, politicians use it to their advantage.
I'm not pro-pollution, I believe in conservation (I AM a Conservative after all
LOL) but Earth Day and the eco-commies really don't care about the planet at
all, have you ever seen how much litter they leave around anytime a bunch of
them gather? It's NOT about saving the planet (and global warming IS a hoax, a
bullshit scam that's made Al Gore very wealthy and he does NOT practice what he
preaches AT ALL) it is about controlling people and creating a socialist 3rd
world utopia where no matter how hard you work you can never get ahead unless
you are one who is deemed to be an elite. Hunters are better stewards of nature
than any hippie douche bag on any given day.
I love you too, and that is why I do not want you to be deceived. If you want to
be kind to nature, that's terrific, but you don't need a commie holiday to do
it. You should be a responsible person every day and not leave a mess that you
are not willing to clean up. (I know you are responsible & tidy though)
The lightbublbs might not be safe when broken, but they do save a lot of energy. My advice is, don't break one lol. :)
As for earth day being the birthday of Lenin, I think that is just a coincidence. After all, 4/20 is a pot smoker holiday (I know this because I work with a bunch of stoners) and it also happens to be Hitlers birthday, but that doesn't make stoners nazis, just saying......
You know I love you Mare, but you know I'm also a treehugger and I just believe we shouldn't treat this planet as if we had a spare in the closet.
I can proudly state that not one CFC bulb has ever entered my house. However I do have a brother-in-law who is quite a dim bulb and I have to allow him to enter. But only on holidays. I am sending him the cleanup instructions you posted because he breaks everything he touches (except hearts) and his house is filled with CFC bulbs.
I remember when he was a fugitive in the early years of America's Most Wanted,
John Walsh used to mention the connection. I don't recall if he had also
mentioned that Einhorn was able to flee thanks to Arlen Specter.
Sorry for apparently getting into your head & stealing your thoughts! I had no
idea I was so powerful! I'd still like to see your version of my thoughts.
One thing that adds to the stupidity of these pig-tail bulbs is that the warnings about the cleanup say to get the powder, but don`t mention just what that powder is or how IMMEDIATELY DANGEROUS it is ! The mercury is well covered, but not that white powder that coats the entire inside surface of every flourescent light bulb / tube. It`s phosphorous. Mercury may or may not harm you; you`ll know sometime way down the road.......but phosphorous will burn any moist skin or eyes or inside you with what will seem like the heat of the sun until you use the proper neutalizer to stop it....and that ain`t water ! Copper sulfate probably isn`t one of the things you keep handy !
No stupid squiggly light bulbs for me ! Those long fl. shop light tubes have been around most of my life, are amazingly break resistant, and do a great job where shadowless light is a must. Somebody stop me......this is a subject that drives me to distraction !
I'm a bit of a murder buff (ok - I'm weird) and I've known about the Einhorn connection for eons. Actually, since the first one. They've done a fairly good job of scrubbing Einhorn's connection and at his trial they tried to say he didn't even attend the first Earth Day. Due to the marvels of the internet the picture of him on the stage is front and center. Dopes.
I have enough regular bulbs stored up to last me the rest of my life. We use dimmers and our light bulbs last an average of several years.
And finally - you STOLE my post for later almost word for word - little imp!! ;-)
I think of these happenings as "great mind" moments. So I guess I'll just have to direct people over here. It does sort of save me a sh*t load of time. heh
Unless I`m mistaken, the day has already past for the elimination of 100w incandescent bulbs from store shelves. My fave grocery store still has them. Will buy more to add to my stockpile soon. Aaaaah, ha, ha, ha, haaaaah !!
No celebration of Lenin`s bd, or communism or worship of the Earf or the environment or turning off electrical devices or not driving my very comfortable gas-guzzling full-size pickup for me ! No sirree, this boy celebrates the birth, life, Godhood, death, burial, defeat of Satan, resurrection and salvation through Jesus Christ and human achievement !!
And while it`s fresh on my mind, A very happy and joyous Easter to all the Stevenson Family and all the fellow resisters here at the world of Zilla !
I LOL at Earth Day! And these CRAPTASTIC bulbs will pollute the earth worse than bloated gasbags Algore and Michael Moore blowing up all over D.C. because people who are idiotic enough to buy them will NOT follow the byzantine instructions for proper disposal and clean up.
I refuse to buy the shit!! Earth Day can kiss my white ass! :-)
Thanks, Rebecca!
going to post the clean up processes on FB tomorrow, in honor of Lenin's birthday...will attribute you, of course!
I refuse to have those monstrosities in my home.
And so many people were laughing at Rep Bachmann for introducing a bill to repeal the ban of incandescent bulbs.
Stocking up...
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