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#TrumpDay – Hardcore Edition

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Today is my Birthday

Unlike Obama, there will be no big fancy parties for me, and his horrible presidency may be part of the reason why I am sitting here totally broke on my birthday with an empty Tip Jar. He is making us all suffer for his total failure as a "leader". The Other McCain links to a post today that explains just how badly Captain WTF has mismanaged our economy. Read the whole thing, because it is too good for me to excerpt here without just pasting the entire piece, it uses facts from the official government record.

Here's some good news: House Republicans blocked the Democrats' job killing incandescent light bulb ban which would force us to either have bulbs filled with mercury and other toxins that practically take a Haz-Mat team to clean up when they break or spend over $50 for each new non-toxic LED bulb! The ban would also send hundreds of America jobs to China, because that's where the toxic CFC bulbs are made, unlike old fashioned safe, affordable bulbs, which were made here in the USA. Sadly, the Obama administration has a long history of destroying American jobs and also using tax payer money to "save or create" jobs overseas, as I wrote about last winter HERE. At least the GOP is trying to do something about it as it relates to the bulbs, and 67 % of Americans agree with them. Via Gateway Pundit:
House democrats on Tuesday blocked Republican efforts to repeal their job-killing light bulb ban. The democrats’ plan was to ban 100 watt incandescent bulbs in the US markets in January 2012, with bans on lower wattage bulbs to follow.
The democrats didn’t care that their plan would give hundreds of US jobs to China.
Republicans came back on Friday morning and blocked federal light bulb efficiency standards without even a roll call vote. An amendment from Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) defunding the Energy Department’s standards for traditional incandescent light bulbs to be 30 percent more energy efficient starting next year was approved by voice vote.
The move by Republicans wasn’t just wise, it was popular. 67% of American voters oppose the bulb ban and support Republicans on this issue.
Phyllis Diller, David Hasselhoff, Donald Sutherland and Geezer Butler (the bassist from Black Sabbath) also have birthdays today. Sabbath is one of my favorite bands, but the songs I like best from them are pretty evil and today is Sunday so I'll refrain from posting the really dark ones, here's Paranoid and Iron Man:

Happy birthday, Geezer!

I'll be back to normal tomorrow and so will the blog.

Edited to remove my pity party after I had some ice cream cake that hubby got me and I feel better. Sorry if you caught my moodiness, I shall blame it on low blood sugar, yeah, that's the ticket. Oh and Obama, because he sucks.But you already knew that. 

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